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Would you fk someone for money?

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Well since it is about money, what is it about for men? I am guessing a young body. So if you find a much older guy, you should be ok. A guy your age should trade you in for a newer version once you hit menopause.


I personally think 10 or maybe 15 years is an ideal age gap for a long term relationship.

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Clv, I agree. Both parties get what they want.


Hpowered, I guess it depends on what you look like. If you are really hot, then go for it. But if you were really hot, I wonder why you do not have a boyfriend who has a job, and that you are attracted to.


So, we need more info.

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From reading the discussion here, it is reasonable to summarize that the characteristics that women often find attractive in men also lead these men to make good money.


I can't say what a high income is or how much money someone has to be considered rich, but I would agree that most men with high income share a number of similar characteristics - they are driven and ambitious people. Many own their own business and others are high achievers in their respective fields. I think this is what attracts women, in that these men are leaders. Naturally these men excel at what they do and make good money.


I have to say that women probably places less emphasis on physical attractiveness than we men place on women's physical attractiveness. But the traits I have mentioned are valued by most women.


It is an evolutionary phenomena that the strongest and most aggressive hunters in pre-historic times were the alpha men and the women were naturally attracted to them. Things have changed since then, but I think men's earning potential is still important.


Now whether women go out with and/or marry men solely because they have money is another story...

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you know what? No...there's people who are full of integrity and are searching to fulfill themselves internally not just materially and superficially...

Not all girls who are cute, search for a gorgeous man because he might be fugly as hell but if he treats her right and he is charming and laughs with her and respects her and supports her...she might find him the most attractive man on earth.

A lot of women who are with someone just to fulfill their ambicious goals, usually are bitter because they are not 100% fulfilled and at last, their husbands and partners feel it, they just feel there is something wrong there because.. I mean, we all have our feelings right? We are not hyding from them, as long as you are normal right?...you just feel it.

Superficially things usually don't last or make people feel empty and bitter.

Not everyone is only interested in income. There's so many good people too in this earth, you should open your mind when you meet someone and prevent yourself from categorizing woman as "you are all interested?"..because, that's just not true.

Who said any gorgeous woman has to be with a gorgeous man just because she is gorgeous..haven't you known seal with heidi klum?..come on!, do you think he is thaaat gorgeous..I mean, I can personally tell you he is physically fugly and he's got this hideous scars..But you know what? Me as a woman, I look at him..he's got the most sweet way of looking I have ever seen in my life coming from a singer or a public person..He is just charming!!!, because he just transmits, such a good vibe!. I know why Heidi is with him..he must be a great guy.

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I am not talking about prostitution, im talking about going with someone you dont actually fancy, because they have money/security.


Is this what women resort to?


I think that many relationships may be based on this, as it is very rare to find a man that you want to get physical with who also has the security factor. They are either good looking bad boys that have no money or nerds with money?


Is this true?


Wow..what a long thread.. I didn't read it but here's my take on the question:


I think that MOST women would NOT marry someone they don't love just because they have money.. but I think that, in many cases, they (women) stick to their miserable marriage (even in some cases, when they are physically or emotionally abused, or even cheated on) because they want to keep their financial security... (and that also goes for men).


Will they admit it? NEVER ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, boxing, because you're a male you don't care about money and therefore you are free to date ANYone as you don't need money as a yardstick?


Oh, really? Well, how about the 200lbs 70-year-old woman with half her face covered with old burns who has a lovely personality? No, you wouldn't take her? Well sheesh, now you're limiting yourself to a fraction of the population because you obviously have a yardstick, don't you? And that's a bad bad thing, we should all not have any requirements for the person we're with!


It's the same as what many men say: Looks don't matter to me... as long as she's not obese, 70 years old, or with a face that'd scare Frankenstein away, of course. Haha!


Well, us women say: We don't care about money, as long as he isn't a bum who's 25 but living in his mum's basement, and doesn't have any drive to do anything about it.


How is the latter 'gold-digging', 'whoring oneself out for a price' etc etc, but the former simply accepted?

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Money is the byproduct of what is most valued by females. Most succesful men share similar personality characteristics of which is attractive to the opposite sex. Money is the output of the personality, but the personality is what lead to the attraction.


My $.02 for whatever it's worth to you.

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It's the same as what many men say ....


Well, us women say: We don't care about money, as long as he isn't a bum who's 25 but living in his mum's basement, and doesn't have any drive to do anything about it.


How is the latter 'gold-digging', 'whoring oneself out for a price' etc etc, but the former simply accepted?


It's not, but let's just be realistic. I won't call you a whore and you refrain from inferring that I'm somehow morally inferior because I will only date young beautiful women.

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What many of you do not realize is that you have NO compatibility with your chosen high earner, but you try and fool yourself into thinking you do.


I met a brilliant, quirky, delightful man who could wrap me up in his arms -- exactly what I wanted, in other words. I didn't know a darn thing about his income until he took me off on a mini-vacation one weekend.


No, I would not have dated him if he could not at least support himself, but I saw right away that he could, whether he made $25K or twice or three times that. As long as he can take care of himself, what he makes is irrelevant, and that's because I don't fancy taking care of two people on what I will probably make when I finish my education! That's only fair, isn't it? If I'm not going to look for complete support, I think I have the right not to look twice at someone who is looking for that right off.


I love him. I loved him before our weekend away. I intend to love him no matter how broke either of us gets, because I know we'll work together to get back on our feet. That is the kind of security I need in a mate.

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It's not, but let's just be realistic. I won't call you a whore and you refrain from inferring that I'm somehow morally inferior because I will only date young beautiful women.


I don't mean to infer that prostitutes are vile. It's a life choice and there are worse ways to survive. I hope the point still stands.

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I have slept with men for the benefit of their play money....when I was younger that is...heck I even married one for those reasons...a lot has changed since though

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  • 2 weeks later...
This reminds me of why my ex girlfriend could not understand American women.


The first questions her home country girlfriends would ask about a new boyfriend of hers would be "Does he treat you well?, Is he good in bed? Is he romantic?"


All of her American girlfriends would ask "What does he do for work, what does he drive, is he rich"


But I understand now. A guy does not have to be "rich" or "wealthy" he just has to make a "good living" or have a "status job". Thanks for clearing all of this up.


Allina, so what is your price?


Financial stabilty comes into it - for most I think - because *dont scream back yet* by nature we as women look for the stable man (not just finances but everything) if he is well established stable job etc etc we will be more subconsiously attracted to him because it is one of our primal needs - back in the day of cavemen and bonks on the head with wood for a bonk - the strong hunters would attract more women than ones that couldnt provide. Men in average stable careers attract more women because if they are driven enough to have that done that then they are generally matrue and have their sh*t sorted in other areas of their lives (at least that's the assumption). Women can provide for themselves naturally though for a lot I think when it comes to childbearing - we as women subconsiously need to know that our Mr Right will be able to provide for us - food, shelter all that jazz.


While saying that - I know there are plenty of losers out there who manage to get women, it bewilders me - I am also bewilder by the fact that these said men can walk with their pants around their knees....


The reason wealthy men get the 'hot little package no kids or a hair out of place' women is because those women are happy to live the lifestyle and he is happy to life the dilusion that she loves him. It's a win win situation.


I see where Boxer is coming from, it is common for some circles to have the opinion "what does he have" - but Boxer - not all, yes there are generalisations, but it doesnt mean all.


Do I have a price? Not in a dollar amount but my partner has an average salary, he has a good work ethic, he will take over the family business next year (that I didnt even know about until 4 months into our relationship) which will leave us financially secure - which makes me relax about certain things - doesnt keep me here. He has his head screwed on, maturity, and understands what it is to earn something, to work hard and to provide - these are the qualities I admire in him - his core good old fashioned work ethic. And the other stuff - personality, love, kindness etc....


If I was not with him - and some rich guy wanted me, and I wasnt attracted to him - then yeah maybe I would bump hips for the cash, hell I have given that to men in the past for free - but I wouldnt marry someone I dont love, I couldnt not for all the tea in China.

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Financial stabilty comes into it - for most I think - because *dont scream back yet* by nature we as women look for the stable man - but I wouldnt marry someone I dont love, I couldnt not for all the tea in China.


I think my amended version of your post is a pretty accurate summation of the way the vast majority or women operate.

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