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Don't know how to respond

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Ok so I didn't know which part of the forums to post on, but I ended up here. Anyways I've been talking/hanging with this girl for a little while...anyways in our last conversation we were talking and got into this game of "what I'd like" anyways it got to cuddling/kissing and then the subject of rubbing came up. She was like "what would you want to rub".....and I just froze...I had no idea what to say as I didn't want to come off as being too forward/being too aggressive and/or a perv or whatever. Anyways how should I respond to the "What would you want to rub" question if that comes up again (as it more than likely will).......Hopefully you can help me out :o

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Uh... what would you like to rub? That was an invitation to say something or do something that you might think is forward! You should have run with it and said something you think you shouldn't have.


She is probably on another forum wondering if she crossed the line with you! It's ok... sounds like you two have a good connection, and hopefully a similar conversation will happen again. Next time, just be "innapropriate", and see what happens.

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She was definitely waiting for you to make a move.


I would just say whatever I would rub, if I wanted to rub her cunt, then that's what I would have said.


But you also have to take a look at the tension, if your just sitting in each side of the couch, well, then you might not want to say "cunt" but rather "back".

But if your kissing and your both horny, then speak your mind, it will pay off big time, because it's sexy being straight forward and speaking dirty.


So many guys are missing it, when they don't have the courage to take it to the next step. Because the girl aren't typically going to make the first move.


It's important that your comfortable saying "cunt" or other dirty words, if you aren't, she can sense it right away. Your getting nervous and your body language become closed (you get the point)


So if your not, train your dirty talk, it may be awkward the first couple of times, but it will pay off in a totally horny girl, when you become good at it ;-)

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thanks for the advice guys. Yeah the whole sitting on the couch scenario isn't the issue cause she actually doesn't live here so our conversation is on the phone....but yeah Nicolai that makes a lot of sense..I'm guessing that is the comfort level that is the problem and I'll work on training myself with that ;)........good advice here guys thanks

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