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im desperate


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OK heres the story...i met this guy in 9th grade he was in 10th and we dated and he got me pregnant in high school. We stayed together and as soon as i graduated we moved into our own apartment. We were so happy we loved each other so much and would rather be with each other then any one else. Well i got bored i guess with our 4 year relationship right after he asked me to marry him and i cheated on him because i got attention from a guy other then him.


Needless to say we broke up but still lived together and got a long really good for our daughter...we found out a week later i was pregnant for sure with his kid...like a hundred percent sure and we got back together. Well 3 months after this we were perfectly fine happy as can be and i was so ready to settle down as a family. We went and purchased a house together we were so excited because we are only 20 and have so much accomplished already....


Heres where it goes bad. This girl at work showed him some attention and liked him a lot and he ended up breaking up with me and 2 days later he started dating her....now its 2 months later and they are still happy....yet he has still cheated on her like 10 times with me throughout this 2 months. We just closed on our house and he said he will pay for it if i live there but he is not because his girl will break up with him. Remind you guys im 5 months pregnant now doing it all alone...he doesnt care about this baby and only sees his daughter 2 days a week when before he was an amazing dad. It seems like he only cares about this girl.


Now my question is....do you guys ever see him coming back to be a family with me and his 2 kids?? Do you think this is just to experiment with a different girl or do you think this is serious because he like loves her after 2 months...he wears his heart on his sleeve and it kills me hes soo happy with her..

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