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pms - anybody else have these unusual symptoms?

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I am going through a wicked bout of what I hope is pms (otherwise I'm pregnant at 43 :(

I've been bloated for a few days and have sore breasts and nipples, the usual stuff. But today, I suddenly feel achy all over, intermittent mild cramping, slight case of the chills, mild headache and intellectually about 10 to 20 IQ points below average. Basically, I feel like I'm on the verge of a nasty virus. I want to curl up on the couch and just whine.

This has happened a couple of times before, in the last year or so. No virus ensued, just my period (what a relief!) It seems as if as I get older, the physical part of pms gets worse. Is this normal/common?

Usually it's is about the bloating and bitchiness. This all over malaise is something else.

Thanks for any/all feedback.

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I have found that my pms symptoms have changed over the years (apart from the variations you can get from one month to the next where you can be fine some months and then completely out of it the next). Sometimes it can be really bad stomach cramps, sometimes my legs ache, or I can just feel weary. Sometimes no symptoms at all (bliss). And don't forget the temporary madness. I have my woolly moments and then there can be the clumsiness, eg dropping things. There are times when I will avoid driving even!


It's all part of the joy of being a woman :mad::mad::mad:

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I get the clumsiness, too. I think it's due to water retention in your hands, which makes it harder to get a grip or something (literally and figuratively). Plus, the inability to focus.

Thing is, I had a fairly important day at work (had to teach a demo lesson) and I was really not on my game. Feel like a total moron: screwed up some terminology, got things ass-backwards actually. Aaaargh!

I hate to think/use hormones as an excuse for work dysfunction, but I truly was not on my game today. I hate that! It feeds into that whole "women can't do this or that because of their hormones" thing that some men (and some women) still love to harp on. But truth was, I'm glad I wasn't flying a plane or building a bridge today. People might have died :(.

God, this is so NOT me, so NOT what I believe. But here I am, feeling it. Time to pop some more evening primrose and have a glass of wine.

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screwed up some terminology, got things ass-backwards actually. Aaaargh!



I had forgotten about that one. I can get tongue-tied too so it feels as if absolute garbage is coming out!


Make it a big glass of wine - you deserve it :)

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I had forgotten about that one. I can get tongue-tied too so it feels as if absolute garbage is coming out!


Make it a big glass of wine - you deserve it :)


Thanks, doctor. Going to get that prescription filled immediately :laugh:

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Join the club! I'm on my 10th or so day of PMS now. I used to have PMS like clockwork only 2 days before but now the sore boobs start about 7 to10 days before. One of our cats walked across my chest the other day and I let out a shriek it hurt so bad! Also, irritability, no patience, forget how to spell, extreme fatigue and yes, clumsiness. Sometimes headaches too. I'm 47 and the longer PMS time started about a year ago. It stinks.

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Join the club! I'm on my 10th or so day of PMS now. I used to have PMS like clockwork only 2 days before but now the sore boobs start about 7 to10 days before. One of our cats walked across my chest the other day and I let out a shriek it hurt so bad! Also, irritability, no patience, forget how to spell, extreme fatigue and yes, clumsiness. Sometimes headaches too. I'm 47 and the longer PMS time started about a year ago. It stinks.


Yup, mine lasts longer now, too. Also about 7 to 10 days before.

Also, I used to run like clockwork, every 28 days and I'd always get my period on the appointed day before 8 in the morning. Seriously, I could set my watch to it.

Today I am officially 2 days late. I guess it's the beginning of peri-menopause. S##t. My mother started with the weirdness at about my age and finally got her last period at about 59. God help me.

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Wow, your mother went through that for a long time. My mom was about 52 when it all ended.


Yes, sounds like you're in peri-menopause also. As far as being late, well I've never been that regular so I can't say except for a few months ago it was about a week early and now it's been pretty regular again.


Ugh...wish it was over with already.

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I know it's silly, but I hate that idea of slowly sliding into menopause. It's inevitable, but I still can't believe I'm there. Or almost there.

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I think your cycle changes as you age ... and when you get off/go on the Pill. I never EVER used to cramp, just maybe get twinges and I'd wonder what the fuss was about.


got off the pill several years ago, and POW, the cramps hit big-time every month. Mostly, I feel drained and achy, like flu symptoms and it takes me a couple of days to realize that it's because Aunt Flo's coming to visit. Then the cramps start. Keep telling DH that's the time to fook to help me override the pain. Bastard justs shakes his head and laughs :mad:

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I have noticed that mine has been much worse in the last year. My cycles while regular seem to last longer. I also get all sorts of strange symptoms a week prior to the onset. Tender breasts are very annoying and I never had that before. Oh.. and now I have this sweaty thing that happens only at night the week of. I've heard it could be the start of peri-meno and if thats the case it's normal and part of the aging process.



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Thanks everyone - I'm not the only one. I never really thought I was, but it's nice to have confirmation. The flu-like symptoms were unusual to me.

I've taken two evening primrose capsules, and had two glasses of wine, and it has thankfully taken the edge off.

This sucks but there are worse things.

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