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The best things your SO does for you

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sexually and non sexually


sexually, from the first time, he has made me feel he accepts all my flaws


non sexually, he treats me as his equal, not less

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First off everything Ice said...my H oes as well. He accepts my flaws and treats me equal. There's no "Where's my dinner!!" Get in the kitchen and cook like your supposed to!! None of that...


He also leaves me notes next to my pillow if he leave for work before me.

I am a very messy person and cleans up after me, but for some reason, he finds it endearing lol.

He also will bring me home small gifts if he sees something that reminds me of him..

Oh and he makes the best tossed salad...and not the green kind ;)

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I second was Ice said about my SO accepting all of my flaws. I'm generally self-conscious and shy about my body, but when I'm around him he makes me forget about that and I feel confident and happy :)


He also does sweet little things like sending me love texts randomly throughout the week, showing up at my house just to see me, bringing me soup and a movie when I'm sick, but what I love most is how he helps me when I'm emotionally wrecked and about to fall over. Most guys that I know will shy away when a girl is really having some problems, but mine sits me down and makes me tell him everything, letting me cry all over him.

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Well when I had a SO other and I was overweight he said he loved me the way I was, regardless of my size. He would clean the house for me early in te morning to please me, give me kisses before he went to work. He would fix problems that I had. Gave me whatever I wanted (not to say I wanted things all the time) Cheer me up when I was feeling down. Make me bubble baths. Buy me gifts. Gee I wish I had him back.

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Well when I had a SO other and I was overweight he said he loved me the way I was, regardless of my size. He would clean the house for me early in te morning to please me, give me kisses before he went to work. He would fix problems that I had. Gave me whatever I wanted (not to say I wanted things all the time) Cheer me up when I was feeling down. Make me bubble baths. Buy me gifts. Gee I wish I had him back.



Gees, sounds like a really nice guy, what happend?

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Sexually my BF is the best lover I've ever had. Being near him feels like home. Being with him feels amazing.


Non-sexually he brings out the best in me. He makes me feel secure in our relationship and if I have something on my mind he takes the time to hear me out and tries his best to understand where I'm coming from.


He's very thoughtful of me. He stops by everyday usually before and after work, brings me coffee sometimes, and even takes out my dog for me when I'm not around for a while.


He's thoughtful of my kids too. If they need something or something breaks he does his best to come through for them. Last week my daughter was sick and he went upstairs to check in on her. She was asleep but I thought that gesture was precious.


He is a true protector.

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Sexually: My husband is NOT a selfish lover, always pleases me first and makes sure I have a good time.


Always tells me how beautiful I am even when I do not feel that way.


Always tells me he loves me.


Loves to cuddle. He is usually cold when he gets to bed, so that is part of it, but it is still cute!


Non-Sexually: I suffer from excrutiating migraines and he ALWAYS takes care of me. He never makes me feel like a lazy wife for having to stay in bed until they go away.


When I am sick, he will go and get the groceries for me. He checks the food labels for MSG.


He always fixes the car when it needs tending to.


Surprises me with flowers and other surprises out of the blue.


He never calls me names or belittles me. He treats me as an equal.


Although he isn't much into giving greeting cards or writing love notes, he does leave little post-it notes when he has to go away for work.


He never complains when I do not feel like cleaning the house.


He respects me and my family.


He takes care of the pesky cockroaches that get into our house when it is extremely warm outside, despite the pest control. :D

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