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My 16-year-old daughter wants to marry a 52-year-old man!

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Personally, if it were me, I would have bypassed my daughter and gone straight after him in order to fix this mess. My grandfather once chased off a man with a shotgun and while I obviously don't approve of that level of protectiveness I wonder why your husband doesn't seem to be the least bit shaken by the idea that some old man is using your daughter... and he is using her. There is no way that any male of that age have the same mentality as a 16 year old if he has a fully functional brain. This is a huge ego feed for this guy. It's your job as a parent to make him think it's not worth the hassle and humiliation so he'll have to look elsewhere to get his fix.


I'd also suggest having your daughter volunteer at an retirement home as part of the deal for seeing him. Let her get a feel for how she is going to have to nurse her 'future husband' until he expires while she's still in the prime of her life.


Lastly, why on Earth are you even entertaining the idea of letting this man join you on holiday? Why not just make him up a bed and invite him to move in?

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