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Please Help this Is a big Problem!!

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Hey I wrote all the letters about his dad hitting hima nd working him to hard well I just wrote one about us breaking up because of virginia well Please read this letter I wrote to that guy (don) and Tell Me what you think! I really need to know! I think It tells acuratly how I feel! Thanks!!


Mail me in response at


<e-mail address removed>




After losing you from loving you I sit and think and there are So many questions I can't Answer!


I wanna Be able to say I'm Yours and Your Mine So Badly that It hurts to even Say your sweet name!


I wish People Could Come to their Sinces! Can't they See how we feel?? Unless you Lied when you said how you felt which I truly Doubt! Cause I can't Believe you would ever do that! You poured this Rain but Who Brought these Clouds Who Stole My heart Who Stole my Love?!


So Many thing I wanna Know but so little Time.


We both Committed We both Agreed that it was best for you to leave me. Stuck On this circle Spinning Around


If my heart had Wings If I were an Angel Could I fix it could I fly to you?? Prolly Not. Can I pray to the Sweet Lord Above that everything Come out Sweet as a song? Of course I can! Will he answer? This I hope. I hoped that we could walk together Careless and truthfull. But Somewhere down that walk a Hand slipped free and Somewhere God fell Behind and now were free! Is it the best? I don't Believe so. So I wait for you. Did you fall Behind? Everyone dreams of a Love lasting and True But now we know what this cruel world can do. All I can hope is if I fall behind you'll wait for me. Cause If you fall I'll wait for you and thats honest and True. Even the Lord Knows it's not easy here in the Dark to try to keep together what we don't want to fall apart! I hope to find the glue someday. Someday soon I hope. So I can Be with you loving and True.


Strange how Love works. Strange how Love Moves . Like a river Running through you. But you wrapped your arms around Me I can never Let that go. I was touched by an angel the Day you touched my hand. And you are the Miracle that Makes me what I am now, And forever. It's not easy understand How this will work out for the better but I know that I will Have you back Sooner than Later I hope and I pray. Every day I feel How love works how love moves Like a river runnign through me waiting for me to be Taken over by the sweet sin. I found my love and now your gone.


I know that their is a better place were our father waits to wipe away Our tears there will come a day.Sometimes It's Hard but you have to keep your faith. Believe in Our Love donnie. Hold on to My heart strongly with both hands And don't ever Let go. It's all up to you, Your love, and your belief in faith. Sin Will have no Trace. Love will Light The Way.


Ok I guess Now that I am done getting that out of my broken heart.


People Have been Doubting my love for you so Please Answer me This!..........................................................


If I'm Not in love with you What is it I'm going through??


Why can I not Walk, Talk, Sleep, Daydream anything without thinking of you??


And If it is my heart lieing then What is there to believe in??


Why do I go Crazy Everytime I think Of you?? Why do I long to scream your name??


Why else do I want to be with you like I do, If I'm not in love with you?


And If I Don't need your touch, your smile, your love Then why do I miss you so much??If it is just an Ifatuation Why Is My Heart Hurting So BAD???


To hold you forever


Give a Part of me To you I never Thought I would give again!


I is holding in he Palm of your hand!


I feel you dropped it and your Dad TRAPPLED All over it!!


I never thought giving it to you would hurt so bad if I lost you!!


Oh why In every fantasy do I feel your Arms Embracing me!?


Like Lovers Lost in in Sweet Desire To hold eachother through the opsticals of Love.


Some one help explain this Feeling Please someone tell Me!


If I'm Not in love with you; then why am I going through this?


Why DO I want you Like I do??


If I'm Not in Love with you?!


I wish More than anything I could be liked by your dad but thats fine.


As Long as you and him know I love you more then anything in the World!


Please Respond!


Thanks bunches!


Still Love you more(always Will!)


~hugs and Kisses~(forever)



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