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Need help in getting her back Part 2

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Thank you all who posted giving me advice on my situation.


If you dont remember, I am wanting my ex girlfriend back, someone who i feel is my soulmate. She has been reluctant to talk to me, saying she was screwed up, etc. I want her back more than anything. This is what i have done since.


Well, probably in a month or two, I will start work. I have a friend who is getting me on as a telco operator at his brothers internet business. I will be able to move out of the house, finally! I still have my dreams of working in radio someday, and i will do everyting i can to do that.


Things have been rough at home, my father is sinking deeper into his hole, and a fight with him has made me finally decide to get out of here, i am worried for my mom, but I have to do this.


Well this is what i have done in the situation about her. I just yesterday wrote her best friend. I apologized to her, since she was the one who my ex seemed to confide in. At the time, as any grief stricken person would do, i blamed everybody but myself. I apologized with all my heart, and I realized that my selfish ways were what ruined the relationship, not my ex. I also told her friend that i still care for her very much, and that I would do anything to prove that to her, but I wont call her or go see her without her permission. I just sent this last night, and I havent gotten a response, her friend had a habit of not checking her mail for days.


Well, If anyone has any other advice for me, i would love to hear it. I will keep you updated on what happens





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