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why am i blaming him?

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someone hurting

we got a puppy about a month ago and we've had two cats for six years before this. my cats did not adjust at all to the new puppy they were literally tramatized by him because he wanted to chase them and kept chasing them right out of the yard. my one cat has not been home for three days now today, and we are very worried about him. so for my cats i took the pup to a foster home where he will be placed in a new home without cats. my heart is breaking for him, i miss him so much! he tried to leave with me, and i had to push him back into the house. i know he will be okay where he is cause he has lots of other little doggies to play with now. the problem is i feel angry towards my boyfriend for having to give him up. i kknow that sounds mean but in a way i feel pressured to have to of done this for hm and the cats because he was mad at the dog for scaring off his cat.


i dont understand why i feel such anger towards him though. what on earth could that be from? i also have an old bronco truck that i had to sell yesterday because i finally got it fixed and he felt that to sell it while it was running good was the best thing to do so we would not lose all the money we paid on it, some but not all of it.


so between losing my truck and my dog i feel such anger towards him. even though yes they were my decisions as well. i even asked myself today, if he had not been in the picture what would of i done different towards the cats? answer? didn't have one.


so i know it is not totally his fault but yet i am very mad at him for everything. i don't know why.

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