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Is my best friend in love with me?

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Short summary.


We were good friends for a couple of years in highschool. Talked online and on the phone a lot, hung out. When I went to college..I got a girlfriend within the first month. But I still talked to my friend mostly online through out my freshman year. I talked to her even more online AND on the phone during my sophomore year. I broke up with my girlfriend around april..and when i got home in may I started hanging out with my friend nearly everyday. She's pretty popular in the town and we both have a lot of friends, but we hung out exclusively. Movies, going out to eat, just haning at each others houses. After about three weeks of this...she asked me if I liked her. I just danced around it..never really said no. And she continued to ask me periodically for the next 3 weeks or so..at least 5 times. The last time she asked in the middle of a conversation.."***** do you like me?" I said "I cant"...and she repeated immediately.."***** do you like me?"...i said "yes of course, you're a nice person"..you know. and she said "nice answer.."..


normally if a someone asks that..it's for a reason...i just passed it off as her being curious.


anyway...i spent most of my summer with her exclusively, even though she has a lot of friends, as do i..she hung out with me mostly.


-she told me she wanted someone like me

-she told me i'm perfect at least 20 times

-she always says i'm the greatest man in the world

-a few times she said "i think i fell in love with you" for no particular reason..if we're having a good time or i say something funny

-when i did something nice for her..she said.."oh my god..i just fell in love with you"

-when she was upset..i bought her a stuffed animal..and she told me she always hated stuffed animals...but she loved mine and even sleeps with it every night.

-just recently she told me "i love you..the girl that gets you is lucky"

-she's visited me 4 times in the 20 days i've been at school and I live 70 minutes away from her.


i've never tried to get with her..and anything i've done for her was as a friend... I'm not sure what to think. She's coming down to see me again this weekend..I want to know before then. Is she 100% saying these things because she wants to get with me? Or am I reading wrong? let me know

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well, DO you like her?? why did you say "I can't" when she asked you about it??


It definitely sounds like she's interested - you should decide if you are, and have a talk with her. I can't believe she gave you SO many CLEAR indications of really liking you and you're still in doubt.



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At the time she was asking...I was just getting out of a relationship.


And yes, everyone I know says she does..but I'm sort of a charmer so they expect it. I realized noone I know is going to tell me that she doesn't want me. I really wanted objective opinions from people I don't know..and I landed here.


Right now, I love being her friend..and i'd like to leave well enough alone...Unless she wants more, then I'd give it a shot.

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you sound so wishy-washy ... she clearly wants more than just friendship. if you don't, tell her so that she's free. if you do, tell her so that she's glad =)


thanks for clarifying though... i had wondered what the guys whom i was dropping huge hints were thinking... i think they were just as wishy-washy as you.



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Yes, she likes you (duh!). So ask her out or tell her point blank that you are not interested in a relationship with her (more than friendship, I mean).

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from what you've posted - she's definitely interested. I dont see how you could have doubts with stuff like that happening. I surely wouldnt be doubting it. She wants you... Its your turn to decide what YOU want and do something about it.

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She might as well hold a sign above her head that says:




so yeh - she is in love with you and i agree - it's up to you now, to work out within yourself whether you feel the same.

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