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Im Useless and Talking/Flirting With Girls ffs

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Firstly im 17. had one girlfriend when i was 13 for about 1 month. (She asked me out i didnt ask her). I havent had a girlfriend after that and ive had my chance with some last year when i had a girl that liked me but being shy that i am i waited to long and she lost interest.... At work today i was 90% sure that this girl was flirting with me but i have no idea how to do it back. So being the dumbass i am i just told her what she wanted and i walked off :o . I know im not ugly but its just my confidence that sucks big time.



Can anyone help me/provide any tips.... i feel im like im losing out my teenage years by not chasing round girls :love:

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First and foremost, why do you feel you're "losing out" these years? Is it because you want to chase skirts, or because you feel you're supposed to? If you think you're supposed to, fuggedaboutit. Don't do anything until you want to.


If it's because you want to, start simple. Say "hi" to 5-10 women you don't know one day. Make eye contact and don't break it right away. You don't have to say anything else or stare at them too long; just make it long enough that they realize you're not afraid to look at them.


Also, do you have a girl friend that you've known since kindergarten? If so, flirt with her! She'll figure out that you haven't suddenly developed a romantic interest in her, so there's no worry there (unless there is one, in which case it may work out better than you expect!). Just flirt with her for fun. It'll be good for practice.


Granted, you're not going to be smooth as a silk shirt overnight, but at least it's a start. Also (as embarrassing as it may be), if you have an older sister, ask her. She'll probably give you a bit of ribbing about it, but she will help.

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