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First Impressions - Tips

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Hi, I was wondering, since first impressions are important, do any of you have tips to give a someone a good first impression of yourself. I dont mean try to act like something your not. But Like smiling, and trying not to be shy. And if its a guy your meeting, how do you be 'outgoing'... without being you know.. annoying. Just wanted to hear your tips. Thanks.

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a smile is your best weapon when it comes to meeting new groups of people, because they perceive you as friendly. And if you take the time to find out a little more about them – ask what they like, what they think, what they do, then listen to their answers – it shows them "this person's interested in ME!"


with guys (esp. cute ones) it gets a little trickier because you tend to be more self-conscious around them. But be friendly and try not to chatter nervously (sometimes hard to do). Unless they're drunk? then you can be a total goofball without fear of them remembering!

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Okay, in order to make a good first impression, keep your head elevated (ie, no looking at your feet), make eye contact (but not constantly), be attentive, and smile. Firm handshake also works wonders (just remember you're shaking hands, not cracking a nut, so try not to be over-eager in the grip!)


If it's a guy, then believe me, try to avoid babbling. It immediately triggers the alarms in our head.


To build a great rapport, try body mirroring, which is kinda difficult, but if you get it down it works wonders. For example, you're both sitting at a table talking. He scratches his head. Wait a second or two, then casually touch your forehead. He leans in, you lean in. He cups his drink, you maybe touch your glass. It's sort of like the childhood game where you annoy the crap out of someone by copying everything they do, but in a far, far more subtle way. If you do it for a while, without getting busted (remember, don't copy motions EXACTLY, but mimic them) you will honestly notice that the chemistry is on the rise. What's more, after a while if you stop mirroring them, and take the lead in body language, you'll notice that if you've done it right, THEY will subconsciously start to mirror you!


The other big thing, is touch. He tells you a joke, laugh (unless it's really bad, no need to suck up!) and while laughing, touch his arm. You'll notice the effect. For even more power, allow your knee to come into contact with his while you're sitting together.


Use these skills well, young one!

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