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How to get a girl to realize she likes me

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I have a friend (shes a girl) and we're pretty close we've known each other for about 3 years now. I really like her and I have a feeling she likes me too a little but she wont admit it. I need help I want to know how I could get her to realize she likes me I just dont know how to bring it out of her.

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The Collector

Talk about how another girl showed interest in you and see how she reacts.


Escalate your body language, stroke her arms when you talk to her, or tickle her or have play fights.


Get her drunk and kiss her.

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Talk about how another girl showed interest in you and see how she reacts.

This works, but I've taken it too far before. Just the other night, I'm hanging out with a girl friend of mine who likes me, and has admitted it. But she is always indecisive, saying she doesn't want a relationship, blah blah. All BS most likely. So I move on emotionally, but we continue to hang out and we get along better than either of us ever have with someone of the opposite sex.


So we're sitting at this bar, talking. And this girl accross the room... an absolute 10 in my book... this girl was unbelievable... starts flirting with me. So she says, "hey she's checking you out a lot". I notice too, so we start counting how many times she checks me out. It gets to 10 times, the last time with a smile. So she dares me to get her number... calling my bluff. So I go over there, get her number and start talking. What happens? My friend leaves the bar pissed. Why? Because she isn't being honest with herself or me about how she truly feels about me. So she will either cut ties with me, torture herself watching me meet new women, or she will admit it and want to date me without any of these BS timelines she has in her head.


She knows where I stand, and she knows I have no problem meeting women. So she has withdrawn a bit in the last couple days because she hates seeing me hook up with other girls. I'm emotionally divested, so it doesn't really matter to me anymore, but she'll come around, and I'll be open to it when she does.

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It sounds like she is playing more of your wingman in assisting you with picking up women. I know she says she doesn't want a relationship, but other than going to the bars, have you been on a date with her (dinner, movies, anything)?


It might not be that she doesn't like to see you pick up other women, but that she doesn't trust that you would be true to her when it is so easy for you to pick up women. Maybe it is something you are projecting.

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I asked her to my brother's wedding once... she was out of town, and I asked her to dinner, but something came up for me. So, other than fishing together, nothing too formal. I should step up and ask her out again, but it is a long story, believe me. I probably will again, but for now I like what we have. I don't want to hijack the thread though.

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So we're sitting at this bar, talking. And this girl accross the room... an absolute 10 in my book... she dares me to get her number... calling my bluff. So I go over there, get her number and start talking. What happens? My friend leaves the bar pissed. Why? Because she isn't being honest with herself or me about how she truly feels about me. So she will either cut ties with me, torture herself watching me meet new women, or she will admit it and want to date me without any of these BS timelines she has in her head.


She knows where I stand, and she knows I have no problem meeting women. So she has withdrawn a bit in the last couple days because she hates seeing me hook up with other girls. I'm emotionally divested, so it doesn't really matter to me anymore, but she'll come around, and I'll be open to it when she does.


From what you described, while you have a friendship, with all the ambiguity that male/female friendships can involve, the level of actual romantic/sexual interest or chemistry on both sides isn't all that high. It's natural that she'll withdraw when you're demonstrating interest in other women. Maybe it's less about wanting you for herself, more about her thinking "hey - I'd like to be the one who a guy looks at in a bar and says 'she's my idea of a ten'. Perhaps I should stop hanging out so much with my male buddy if I want to find a bit of proper romance."


Men tend to have a particular type. When the two of you were in the bar, you let her know the kind of woman who's your romantic type - ie what you consider to be a 10. That sounds way too much like a brother/sister type conversation to indicate that the friendship between you has romantic potential.

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Well I did it on a dare... from HER. We were joking about it, and I told her that I guarantee that I could get her number. Not only that, but I could get her friend's number at the same time. It was all light hearted... I didn't go over there to start a relationship with this girl. She knew that, but left anyway. I've seen her since then, and she hasn't even mentioned it. And I'm surely not going to mention it because she seemed bothered by it at the time. I don't know if she was testing me or what... I don't know. Anyway, again, sorry for hijacking the thread.

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First off, I will admit to you that I have never been on a date so I don't really know if this is a good idea or if it would work or not, but there is a girl I am trying to become friends with and eventually try to ask out, and this idea just came to me out of the blue. If anyone else out there thinks this is a bad idea, please tell me! I don't know if this is a "CRAZY" idea or not! Anyway, this is my idea:


Tell this female friend of yours that you know a certain girl that you like (don't give her a name though). Tell her that you would like her advice on what to do. Then somehow describe to your female friend this "girl" to her (although you are in all actuality describing the female friend. Just don't be so specific that that she will realize that it is her you are talking about). Try to describe all of the good qualities about her, tell her you have liked her for a very long time and tell her how wonderful you think this "girl" is. Then, IF your female friend gives you advice on how to ask her out or if she tells you to ask her out as soon as you can and tell her how you feel, say to your female friend "I think you are right. I will do that as soon as I can." Then either immediately ask her out, or wait until the opportune time arrives to ask her out and tell her how you feel about her, following the advice she gave you. If she asks why you are asking HER out, just say "I'm just doing what you told me to do."


Again, I really don't know if this is a good idea (it just popped into my head a little while ago as something that "might" work). You probably will want to get opinions from others as to whether this is really a good idea or not.

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