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what kind of love is this ?

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hi this is my first time on this site

i have a male best friend that i have known for 18mths now and always was very found of. he feels the same way and cares for me very much, we have a true and real friendship.i am put very much at easy by him and talk about what ever is on my mind, good or painful. he also has talked opening about the lose of his parents and the 1st woman he ever loved , he is very giving emotionally as not a shamed to say that at times he has cried . i have never felt this overwhelming love and care of any of my other friends in the past.

we are both in our thirties, and very much a like in our characters. we have a wonderful time talking and playful flirting. we are the others type, and the kind of person we would want in life.

so here is my question, in order for us to have this powerful love as best and close friends, is a small part of us in love with the other ? or is there another answer?

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Certainly sounds like you really like each other, and want to take it further if your flirting. Why not just go for it, make a move and see wheeit leads...:)

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thanks for replying, yes we do like each other very much, in most talks we have. he will say "love you" and said 100's of times "i love you very much " i know he is talking mostly of friendship love,and the flirting is really great, he calls me dear, darling, sweetheart. and we joke many times of running away and getting married, he asked me as a joke one day hahaha so funny out of the blue. he said "your such a lovely person , marry me ?" he is wonderful. he never acts or talks this way to any other women. he has even called me on the phone more than he did in past times sends me e-mails almost every day. goes off line only to chat to me on line when he is home at the end of the day. i have kept the thought him as a friend to me for so long its hard to change thoughts at this point, but i know somewhere real feelings for this man,are slowly happening i need to ask myself hard questions , what do i want from his , and were is it going ?

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out of the blue. he said "your such a lovely person , marry me ?"


are you sure he was joking ? people sometimes say things in jest because they don't know how to say things for real. Maybe he wants to take it further but doesn't know how or is scared like you are. Why not just give it a go. If he is really nice I doubt (if you have misread the signs) that it would be a problem if he didn't want to take it further, you couold probably just both laugh it off.


My advice, go for it. Ask him out, to a nice restaurant or something and just say you feel really deeply fo him and you wondered if you could be a couple.


Whats the worst that could happen ? you could end up regretting not doing it for the rest of your life, thats what. If it doesn't work just laugh about it.

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I agree with wuggle. The things he says sound like he is a little shy, but means them. It sounds like he wants to take it further, but he is not sure you do. Maybe he is reading something in your body language or words that make him unsure. OR maybe you are afraid he will reject you, so you laugh it off.


Examine your feelings for him and if you want to take it to the next level, go for it. :)

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a update... we had a talk and he now knows how much i love him, and it has changed our relationship, he told me he was happy with just me, and that i am his love. and as started to greet me "hello my love" and also say "love you , my love " so as you can probably tell i am smiling all the time ha ha. thanks for all the advice .

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