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What in the world is going on here? What is Happening here? What could all this mean?

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Need some advice please I am going to make this as short as possible. I met this woman about a year ago and she has a serious boyfriend who supports her. Well over time I became attracted to her and she became attracted to me. Well she told me she was Head Over Heels over me. So how I met her was through work and she quit and just said I will be in to see you and just left it at that. So I hadn't seen or heard from her in a month. Then the other day I was talking to her best friend who also works with me and she said "" Are you in some kind of School" I said yes and a few comments later she says "Me and Trina was at the store the other day" Trina is the woman I like and the store they was at is the one we all work at. So I thought that comment was funny because why would somebody say that. So I took that as a hint that I was supose to say something but I didn't. SO the next day I see Trina's best friend at work and she says "Me and Trina tried to call you last night but Trina lost your number so I have to get it again"" She said this in a weird tone of voice made me think that she was afraid or nervous to ask me my number again. But I gave it to her and a few days later Trina called me and asked me to come over i didnt but we talked for a while and she asked me if I still had her number and to call her sometime. So I thought it was funny that when she quit work she just said I will see you sometime and left it at that but now she tries to talk to me again and gives me her phone number and tells me to call her sometimes. So to me at first when she quit she had no intentions of talking to me again then all of a sudden she changed her mind and called me and told me to call her.



Now the whole point here is. Is it just me or is the "are you in some kind of school" comment funny. My point is that maybe this woman wants or is thinking about leaving her boyfriend for me. Now at this point I could not support her because I have a low paying job plus I still live at home. So if she wanted to be with me I would have to go to college. I think most people would say did you go back to school or are you in school. To me a comment like are you in some kind of school is like a parent maybe saying are you in some kind of school if not I will take your car away from you. SO Trina's friend said something about me being in school and I said why are you so interested in me going to school and she said because I said becuase why and she said just becuase. Now if she was just looking out for me you would think she would say something to me her saying because just because and the tone she used was like she was hiding her reasons.



So somebody please give me your advice on this one. And yes I do analyze to much :) Thanks

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It sounds to me like this girl is an opportunist and wants to move from one man supporting her to another. Why doesn't she work? Is she disabled? Why is she depending on boyfriends to financially support her?


If she has a boyfriend still, she's bad news. Even if she doesn't have a boyfriend, she doesn't sound too reliable to me. Her communication skills are wayyyyyy lacking. And what's up with all this talking to her by proxy of Trina?


If you want to pursue this it's your choice, but from what you stated here, she doesn't sound like the cream of the crop to me. JMO

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Originally posted by Fancy

It sounds to me like this girl is an opportunist and wants to move from one man supporting her to another. Why doesn't she work? Is she disabled? Why is she depending on boyfriends to financially support her?


If she has a boyfriend still, she's bad news. Even if she doesn't have a boyfriend, she doesn't sound too reliable to me. Her communication skills are wayyyyyy lacking. And what's up with all this talking to her by proxy of Trina?


If you want to pursue this it's your choice, but from what you stated here, she doesn't sound like the cream of the crop to me. JMO


Well she does work. She did work with me and went to another low paying job. So am I correct in thinking that she is talking to me becuase I am in school? she never said that she wanted to leave her boyfriend for me but it just seems funny that her friend said are you in some kind of school and then i talk to this woman again????????

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She just asked a question an odd way. If you really want to know, ask her and be done with it. We can speculate until the cows come home but it's just guessing. The person to tell you what it means is the person who said it.

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