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How to tolerate society?

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being contradictory is not the same as something not being black and white.


Yes it does. if life is complex, then there aren't any absolutes.

First of all research and learn that.....



The big problem is that you are self-contradictory withing two or three posts, in one thread.....

Being contradictory to that degree, makes you indecisive, untrustworthy and ridiculous. Nobody takes you seriously if you self-contradict so often. You come across as someone who does not examine subjects in depth, and who has no lasting opinion on anything, therefore it makes your views and comments liable to not be valued.

Therefore, to write that one-liner, at the end of quoting the full post (why do that? You haven't highlighted any specific portion that you have responded to) after others have taken the time to digest and to comment at great length, makes your post somewhat useless and superfluous to the thread.


Back to topic.


lol... well, this is only a website. is there a reason for me to care if I'm being "contradictory"?

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i'm not interested in that. i don't know anybody on here.


there is no reason why i should care what people on here think, since to me you are strangers.

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And one more thing. It always makes me laugh when i hear people bemoan the behaviours of others like this, and still value living in the UK and other Western societies.


The fact is this is how the UK is. Since the country, as a Western country, is more liberal, individualistic, open and tolerant than other parts of the world are, then one must expect that persons would live and act in diverse ways.


In UK, you sometimes see Goths or Punks in public places, but who cares? They're dressing how they want to dress and they aren't hurting/harming anybody by doing so. Are these people "bad" for dressing how they dress? IMO, they aren't. They just think differently and hold different perspectives from other people. Again, this is just something you expect in a Western society.


We don't have to agree with everything that occurs in our societies, but we still have to acknowledge the prevailing social attitudes of the culture. Perhaps we can change a culture's values, but it's a difficult task to convince all (or perhaps at the least, the majority) of people that our way is the right way.


If you don't like UK society as it is, then perhaps leave and move to a country that shares your values.

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I gave up on the world/humanity years ago...and I'm only 30.


I have tried being optimistic and look at the good but the fact is the crap outweighs the good and I would rather accept reality than live with some fantasy view of the world where it is great.


My biggest problem is that people are becoming more lazy and dumb and do not seem to even care about that. I live life based on logic and with more people choosing to ignore it makes me shake my head. I also have a pretty high IQ compared to the avg human so it is hard to try and accept stuff dumber people do that to me is well, dumb.


I'd say maybe 5-10% of the things humans do make sense to me and the rest is just ridiculous and if people actually spent 4 seconds to think about the other 90% they'd see how ridiculous it is. Just a trivial example is shaking hands. All this does is spread disease and other stuff but humans continue to do it. It is not a sign of respect/etc and the only reason it even came into existence was because people did it to show they had no weapon and to make sure the other person did not have a weapon. That it carried through history is mind boggling to me since people do not shake hands now to make sure they won't be killed.


What I need is my own island with people I have faith in to live there with me.


The avg person will say to just think of the good things in the world and that it isn't so bad but the truth it is and it IS getting worse. in ten years society/the world has gone downhill....fast. The only areas things are improving are technology and medical industry. Humans though are becoming lazier, more selfish, more complacent and dumber.

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It's not cynical. It's true. You'll find many asians will openly agree with this.


It's a fascinating culture that reveres wisdom, experience and heroes. The drive towards personal achievements is phenomenal. Everyone is expected to achieve...everything, including career, financial success, intelligence, artistry/creative talents AND athletic ability. Albeit tough on their kids, they'll do anything for them.


As for compassion, there isn't always room for it because face and personal/family honour are far, far more important.


I'm asian, but I only agree with that to a certain extent. Again it's too easy to generalize. Though I will have to say that specific asian cultures are more prone to that kind of face and honor than others are. Some due to religion, and others due to culture.


Though traditionally, people from east asian societies live more based on collectivism VS. the west which is based more on individualism. So that in its respect has to do with some aspects of honor, tradition, and face.

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I think that life is too short to spend it stressing out about what other people do all the time.


What they do is their business. If they want to dumb down and behave like a**holes, let them. You aren't going to be able to change that. if it doesn't affect you directly, ignore them.


Concentrate on being the best person you can be and being a good person to everyone you come into contact with- it may even rub off!


If you can't do that, then move away from where you live OP, because its not going to get better anytime soon.

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case in point:

Dissect this post and explain yourself.




What's that supposed to mean?




.....Pardon? :confused:


it's how life works.

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nana, you ninny.... I'm asking you to explain the post because what you said makes no sense! Try explaining what you mean!!


Just try!

Go, on, you can do it.....! :rolleyes:


If you're going to talk bull, at least try to make it make sense.......there's nothing worse than bull except illogical bull.....:confused:

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people don't hurt others, but they do. if a person gets hurt innocently, the attacker has a right to do it.


I'm not sure, but this may be the dumbest thing I have ever seen. On the internets.:)

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Yes. And apparently he also believes people are born wise.




Oh, come on.....


Stop it.




You're getting hysterical.



Calm down, it wasn't that funny.

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nana, you ninny.... I'm asking you to explain the post because what you said makes no sense! Try explaining what you mean!!


Just try!

Go, on, you can do it.....! :rolleyes:


If you're going to talk bull, at least try to make it make sense.......there's nothing worse than bull except illogical bull.....:confused:


I meant everything i said. it's also a common sentiment.

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Nikki Sahagin
If you don't like certain music just don't listen to it. What you find offensive other people enjoy and that is the beauty of variety.


I agree about the work and I hope at least in America that the new leadership will work on restoring the 40 hour week.


I understand you being concerned about violent crime but if people want to do drugs on their time without hurting anybody else why is that your concern? Since the ancient days people have been drugging themselves and it will never change so let people live thier lives.


Well the issue with music is that I love rap and hip hop BEATS but the lyircs are really offensive to me as a woman. I've tried to not be so sensitive to it...but then I think really I have every right to be offended by it. It's disgusting. It's just difficult though trivial...to not really be able to listen to your favourite music because it offends you.


And drugs isn't really my buisness but I have a strong opinion about it and can't help but lose a bit of respect for the people I meet that do it.

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Nikki Sahagin
lol.. so what?


Not everybody has to adhere to your standards/morals, or anybody else's.


I didn't say they did. I am saying what irritates me, not expecting anything to change.

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Well the issue with music is that I love rap and hip hop BEATS but the lyircs are really offensive to me as a woman. I've tried to not be so sensitive to it...but then I think really I have every right to be offended by it. It's disgusting. It's just difficult though trivial...to not really be able to listen to your favourite music because it offends you..


Oh for heavens sake.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. then it can't be your "favourite music" then, can it?

You make it sound as if the producers of the music have a personal vendetta against you. You need to lighten up and stop being so self absorbed.


There is LOADS of music out there that includeds hiphop beats and rap that has inoffensive lyrics.

There are lots if websites that give you ideas for alternative music if you put in the kinds you like.


There is a good idea for a thread- get people to give you suggestions for alternative music.

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I just that in general people need to stop getting bent out of shape over things that have no affect on their life and don't concern them. With offensive lyrics you can choose not to listen and with drugs you can choose not to use them. If a person wants to abuse their body that is their right if you ask me. Truth be told things weren't much different back in the days but then they didn't have 24/7 media coverage.

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The best way I know how is to make my little corner of the world as good as it can be; for myself and my loved ones.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but OP, aren't you the gal who is pretty brazen about cheating on her boyfriends? Wouldn't that be making society suckier for those guys?


Not trying to bash or anything, really, but since the issue is how do we deal with such a lousy society, I think the best place to start making things better is on the homefront; with friends, family, and loved ones. If you want to branch out further, that's even better.

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Nikki Sahagin
Oh for heavens sake.....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. then it can't be your "favourite music" then, can it?

You make it sound as if the producers of the music have a personal vendetta against you. You need to lighten up and stop being so self absorbed.


There is LOADS of music out there that includeds hiphop beats and rap that has inoffensive lyrics.

There are lots if websites that give you ideas for alternative music if you put in the kinds you like.


There is a good idea for a thread- get people to give you suggestions for alternative music.


It IS my favourite music. I prefer the BEATS just not the lyrical content.


And obviously if i'm talking about something that UPSETS me it WILL sound self-obsorbed. And telling someone to 'lighten up' is the poorest advice ever if you are not naturally a light person. I think to be honest there are deeper issues in music which actually DO concern me and as a matter of fact all women and that is misogyny.

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Nikki Sahagin
The best way I know how is to make my little corner of the world as good as it can be; for myself and my loved ones.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but OP, aren't you the gal who is pretty brazen about cheating on her boyfriends? Wouldn't that be making society suckier for those guys?


Not trying to bash or anything, really, but since the issue is how do we deal with such a lousy society, I think the best place to start making things better is on the homefront; with friends, family, and loved ones. If you want to branch out further, that's even better.


Hi not sure if OP means origional poster in which case you are refering to me, but no I don't cheat on boyfriends!

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Hi not sure if OP means origional poster in which case you are refering to me, but no I don't cheat on boyfriends!


Then my apologies!!!! :o


But my post remains the same. Just make your little corner of the world as good as it can be. At least then you'll have a sanctuary from the rest of the world when it gets to be too much. :)

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Nikki Sahagin
Then my apologies!!!! :o


But my post remains the same. Just make your little corner of the world as good as it can be. At least then you'll have a sanctuary from the rest of the world when it gets to be too much. :)


Thankyou for the advice...and no worries about the mistaken identity. Maybe I have an evil twin lurking around here somewhere! :laugh:

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It IS my favourite music. I prefer the BEATS just not the lyrical content.



There are LOTS of tunes out there that have the same BEATS but not the same lyrics. Failing that, buy the karaoke version and make up your own lyrics


And obviously if i'm talking about something that UPSETS me it WILL sound self-obsorbed. And telling someone to 'lighten up' is the poorest advice ever if you are not naturally a light person.

Actually, many people manage to talk about things that upset them without sounding self absorbed.


Telling someone to "lighten up" can actually be EXCELLENT advice. It translates as "get some perspective" or "focus on the positive things in your life". Do you think they are bad pieces of advice? They are basically the same as what DonnaMaybe said.


Not sure you get that concept TBH. Never mind. Wallow in your misery then.

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Nikki Sahagin
There are LOTS of tunes out there that have the same BEATS but not the same lyrics. Failing that, buy the karaoke version and make up your own lyrics



Actually, many people manage to talk about things that upset them without sounding self absorbed.


Telling someone to "lighten up" can actually be EXCELLENT advice. It translates as "get some perspective" or "focus on the positive things in your life". Do you think they are bad pieces of advice? They are basically the same as what DonnaMaybe said.


Not sure you get that concept TBH. Never mind. Wallow in your misery then.


Well excuse me if by your standards I sound self-absorbed. And why didn't you say 'get some perspective' and 'focus on the positive then' instead of lighten up...which basically doesn't help solve anything.


And uh...don't take your little attitude problem out on me about 'wallowing in my misery' when I clearly asked people HOW they tolerate things within society that distress/upset/irritate them.

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And uh...don't take your little attitude problem out on me about 'wallowing in my misery'.




MY attitude problem?????!!!?


I clearly asked people HOW they tolerate things within society that distress/upset/irritate them


I lighten up...... :)

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Yes. And apparently he also believes people are born wise.




Oh, come on.....


Stop it.




You're getting hysterical.



Calm down, it wasn't that funny.


people are born wise.

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