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Why do women try to destroy men with their enigmatic behavior?


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R, so how exactly are you distinguisihing yourself (aside from being a loner) & what meaning does that give to your life?



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Moimeme I appoligize.


I appoligize for two reasons; one of which was my inability to fully explain the circumstances, and the other was for acting hostile.




It's just that I produce my best work when I'm alone. It is important for me to pass through this time of penitence, no matter the cost. I have lived many lifes perparing for this one. Yet I will admit that for quite some time it has been difficult. If I am strong enough to pass through this time of trial and suffering I will be rewarded gloriously.


You spoke in your first post of having 'hatred' for people and of 'becoming evil'. This is way more than just 'working alone.' You wrote with great hostility, and anger and hostility to that degree are signs that all is not well in someone's grey matter.


In reference to your previous statement, you implied that I did not behave using logic or ration? Well, I must ask, in your mind what would be logic and ration?


To not interpret someone looking at you as 'staring'. To not blame women for 'trying to destroy men'. To not think a woman was out to get you and then trick you because you thought she was looking at you. None of these are rational or logical conclusions.


Most likely your would chose the path most traveled and not the high road with it's steep edges and unforgiving enviroment, most likely because it never occurred to you to challenge the status quo.


Oh, lordy, Rienmann. You know nothing about me. I am not known for being shy, retiring, or complacent LOL!


Love is important to life, I will concede that argument. But, Love is only a complement, it cannot make up for a lack of character or meaning, it can merely improve on what is present.


It can motivate one to seek meaning and develop character.


I can't tell if you truly hate and feel 'evil' or if you were using histrionics. However, if you are consumed with hostility and anger, you badly need to speak to someone qualified to help you. On the other hand, if you were trying to stir things up, expect the sort of answers you got.

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Just from the style of writing and state of mind, I would say that's some pretty special weed....


Just don't hurt anybody because you like puffing the magic dragon.

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"He who fights with monsters must be careful not to become a monster, for as you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back into you..."

---Fredrich Nietzche


Dude, as I said before, if you read my previous post, I was in your exact same position, and Im telling you that once you become a loner for awhile, its VERY hard to go back. It will make the situation worse, however, if you just be completely alone. If you have one old group of good friends you can fall back on, go back and hang out with them. And lastly, I know you really don't want to (I loathed the idea at first too) you should get some form or shape of help. When you talk to a psychologist its more getting a whole bunch of bad stuff off your back than feeling stupid. You don't really feel stupid, in fact you can understand much more than you previously could. Im not sure if you read my last post or not, but you should, I put a lot more information in there. Just don't become a loner, I wasted the past 2 years of my life like that and I regret it.

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  • 5 months later...

you people have no idea what your talking about. you say you felt the sting of rejection, but have you felt it every singel time. no i'm not kidding. I was once bitter and spitefull, angry at the world and evrything in it. but someone helped me a loyal friend helped me see that i was in a trap and showed me the way out.


so i became calm, happppy, and with not a thread of anger in me. so i started to talk to women of manny types (and i did not care what they looked like) of personalities. some looked at me like i had ten eyes others smiled and some even talked to me, one of them even consoled in me.


after about a year of acting like this (and i truly felt happy. I noticed one thing they still turned me down. no one said yes and i was not looking to get in bed with them (that does not mean i would have rejected physical contact) so i gave up and now iam not bitter and cold but sad and fearfull.


tell me what i'm doing wrong (i would like a woman's opion on this, but please think before you give an aswere people (men and woman) don't just jump to conclusions.



why? Why? Why do you do it? Why? Why get up? Why keep fighting? You believe you're fighting for something... for more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is?


Do you even know? Is it freedom or truth or, perhaps, peace; could it be love? Delusions, Mr. Anderson; vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose;


and all of them as artificial as the Matrix, itself. Although, only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love! "smith matrix revolutions"

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My question is why do women try to destroy men, with their enigmatic behavior?


Perhaps they eat chocolate.


Another way to look at it, perhaps, is that women are a mystery to men, as are men to women. There are many things that one sex will do which drive the other insane. People find that which they do not understand to be threatening. Perhaps you perceive the world around you, and those residing in it, to be a threat to you. If this is so, then it is not women who are to blame, and I feel that something deeper is causing you problems.


I am leaning toward chocolate as the culprit.

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"Enigmatic behavior" is usually puzzling or, in some cases, mystifying, , not destructive. You are an open wound. I strongly recommend counseling to help you overcome or at least cope with your seemingly overpowering misanthropic and mysogynistic feelings.


People of both genders are sometimes enigmatic, indirect, elliptical, ambiguous and even ambivalent. That makes life interesting, not threatening.


Please, get some counseling.

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I wasn't registered when this thread came round the first time, so I've only just seen Rien's posts.


oracle/smith, I really think you could use therapy.


Rien, if you're still with us. Moi was spot on - you have really serious issues. Your post sent shivers down my spine.

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I agree with gaia. Oracle/smith, first of all, women don't reject us men for the complicated reasons you specified. They reject an invitation because they are simply not interested in starting a romantic relationship with us. If you can't understand this than you should seek some help.


Rien, you seriously need some form of aid. You've been complaining about every post people put on this forum to try and HELP you dude. This is an outlet for people who seek advice, NOT an outlet for people who want to get sympathy and then have an outlet to put all their rage upon. Calm down. Either listen to the advice or get some help. You don't want to let this whole thing ruin your life. Plenty of things can happen in the 50+ years ahead of you. Im 17, I get annoyed when older people on this forum give me this advice to, but the thing is that they are right!!

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As it turns out, I have been rejected every single time so far myself, but I keep trying and now I have gotten somewhere. Its painful I know. I was exactly like you for a long time. Hang in there...itl happen eventually.


As to the second part of your question:


"You don't ask why a rooster crows at dawn or a fire burns bright, Don't ask why I fight." --The Black Knight

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Um. He posted his question six months ago. Just after the last equinox. Happy spring!

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