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am i stupid for hoping?


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so i broke my ex's heart over the summer, but for like the past few weeks we've been FWB.. and i thought he still loved me and might want to try again even though he has said a few months ago that it was too late that he had given up on me and didnt want a relationship that he didnt think we could work out.

i mean we act like were togehter pretty much. idk what to do..

i asked him about things..

he said he knows i want more than sex but it's something he cant give.

i asked if he loved me and he said 'dont believe so'

he said he had 'pretty much moved on'

yet he told me that he will always have feelings for me, he said hes glad were getting along great as friends and he likes wht we do. yet he doesnt know how he feels before,during and after..ya know..

what do i do?

is he just confused/scared?

and if so..how can i reassure him that things can be good again!


please help me, give me some insight!

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You asked him a straight question and he gave you a straight answer. He doesn't want a relationship with you.


But it wasn't the answer you wanted, so you are giving him sex hoping that he'll just "wake up" and realize he loves you and you are indispensable.


You have to accept what he has told you. He doesn't want a relationship.


You want and deserve a fulfilling relationship. So you are going to have to stop sleeping with him (he is using you) and get out there to find someone else.

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Yes, you are being used. You said you broke HIS heart. Now he has you as a "friend" with the added bonus of having sex with you without the strings of a relationship. He now has the upper hand and you have nothing. You lost your power and respect when you entered into this new arrangement.


You are just going to destroy yourself trying to make him want you back as his GF and not just FWB.


Curiously, why did you break his heart and how difficult was it for him to be friends with you again?

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How did you break his heart? Did you cheat on him or what? If so, then he has the right to dictate how the " relationship", will proceed. An unfaithful partner has no leverage, whatsoever.

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well.. he broke my heart..so i started to move on and i was liking this other guy and he freaked out and told me he still loved me. so i gave him another chance..but i was confused and torn..so i broke up with him..and he begged for me back for months...until he couldnt take it anymore. cuz by the time i realized i had made a mistake he said it was too late..that he had given up on me and just wanted to focus on his life and going to school. but weve didnt stop being friends throughout the whole thing. we just didnt talk alot for a few weeks..then after a while we started being FWB..


so it wasnt difficult for him to be friends with me again..he was just angry that i did him that way..

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How did you break his heart? Did you cheat on him or what? If so, then he has the right to dictate how the " relationship", will proceed. An unfaithful partner has no leverage, whatsoever.



no, i didnt cheat. in the 3 years we were together i was never unfaithful to him.

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If thats the case, then you deserve for him to treat you with honesty.


yes, i know. in a way i believe what he says but i feel he hides alot of his feelings at the same time..

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