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spoke to the ex, whom im over already...but...


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i spoke to him, and he told me that hes having this new girl "who he thinks is the one" over to his house for dinner tonight...they JUST met, too.

the thing is, i feel like im a POS because he never even let me close to his house. he would drive me to his neighborhood and point across the lake to his house and say "hey thats my house". im a great girl and total quality but i dont understand how i feel hurt, especially since im over him. i guess its just the fact that i feel like shes "so much more better than me" that she gets to go to his house.

why do i feel this way? anyone know?

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Why did you two break up? He might just have stronger feelings for her than he did for you, and if that's the case, there's really nothing you can do about it.

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weird...could he be married? and perhaps he's counting on if he runs into you again you'll see his wife and think that's the girlfriend he met AFTER you?


weird to have never had you at his house???

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