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over opinionated girl friend


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this lady i have been dating for about six months has a very opinated attitude and is starting to rub off on me as well. i am finding myself in constant confrontation with others as she does to me. they are not arguements just opinions being expressed and turn kind of heated. i seem to be always defending my ways lately because she is so opinionated. if i do not agree she may at times just shake her head like she can not believe it, and this makes me feel like i am being scolded for what i believe in. she has been able to bring about this little boy in me that makes me feel ashamed at times as well. and when i ask for her help she does not want to help me a lot of things saying that if does not like to do it then why should she put her self through it? that is her mantra i guess. how can i handle this woman and her opinions, i fear becoming too much like her that i am pushing away my friends and family because she is so much rubbing off on me. any ideas if so thanks so much in advance.

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I think having your own opinions and being strong in your beliefs are wonderful qualities and definitely NOT something to be ashamed of. THat's one quality in myself that I really like. It shows people that you know how to stand up for your beliefs and that you don't give into others just because your beliefs may not be "the norm". Don't feel bad about having strong opinions about things. And don't hesitate to express you opinion when you feel the need. Just learn to recognize when expressing your opinion might potentially cause a conflict and use your judgement to decide whether or not expressing your opinion is worth it or not. Sometimes people can be so stupid and call you a bunch of names just because your opinion doesn't agree with thiers. And when you are dealing with unreasonable people like that, sometimes the best thing you can do is just nod your head and walk the other way.

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Point it out to her! Sometimes we all need somebody to put a mirror in front of our faces.


If it keeps happening, tell her to get help!

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