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and the lying continues...

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I mean seriously, I left the dude, but we're trying to keep it on good terms, we work together and we don't want things to be uncomfortable, besides, he was supposed to get better so we can be together again. Anyways he keeps saying he'll go to councelling and stuff, I'll believe it when I see it, but this morning I was taking the bus to work and guess who I saw going the exact opposite way from work? Him! He arrived later and so I asked him where he was coming form, he said home. I said no you're not I saw you somewhere else and he said he was going to get some breakfats, there's nothing near that place to eat, of course he was going to get his weed. I just told him it was really sad that he kept on lying because not only we're not together anymore but we'll also lose our frindship. It's sad really... specially since I still had the stupid hope he would actually "wake up" and get his act together. I miss him, and he obviously doesn't miss me, he still has his weed and his porn, there's no way I can compete with that.

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My suggestion is that as hard as it is, let him go. Don't count on him being back.


Truthfully, it will take a miracle for him to change...or him reaching rock bottom in life.


Find yourself another man after you have determined what made you choose this one. Take some time to grieve the loss of him and a relationship that you had such hopes for.

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I know! I know! I am going to councelling and we eill work on that issue so that I don't go back to him or choose another man like him in the future. I feel so much better since I left him, i'm happy and enjoying things again, the spark is back in my eye and it really shows, but still it's hard letting go, but I'll make it.


James M YOU ROCK! Seriusly thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment and even defend my posts!

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he will continue to do what he wants to do - which is the weed.


YOU need to do what's in your best interest - for your own happiness. this will not include him - since he's obviously on a mission and it doesn't include you (be grateful). he's doing you a favor... stay away.


you need to take care of yourself and your own well being. counseling is a good start.

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ok, i know this is stupid... but since i left him he seems very happy and alert, I have run into him 3 times this week nowhere near his house or work, always on the same street. could he be taking something to be alert? he doesn't look like his regular self, i mean i know it could be he's just veeeeery happy i left, but i have seen him happy before and that's not what he looks like, i know i just shouldn't care, but he just seems so weird these days, and those weird errands he's running on that street the past 3 days, that's just weird. any ideas?

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stop worrying about what he's doing - how he looks - where he is and why he's there, etc.


he is on a mission... not your worry!


take care of self! let it go...


move on and be happy. i guess a good place for you to start is asking yourself why you would care at all? specifically - why do you care about him when he's obviously an unhealthy choice in a man and a big distraction for you?

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Ditto what 2sunny said.


It is possible that he is glad he has no relationship to worry about. It is also possible that he is changing his life.


But it doesn't matter at this point to you.


What matters is that for your own sanity and happiness you move on. If he is to be a part of your life in the future, so be it. But for now, he is not.


It is hard to lose him because you did love him. However, he showed that at this time, you were/are not a priority in his life.


You deserve better. You will find someone who cherishes you for whom you are. For now, grieve for what was lost and decide what you really need.

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addicts have a way of talking themselves out of just about anything they are con artists in their own way...master manipulator liars so yes it's very possible he's b***sing U and may use something else...maybe he met someone else? dunno...my BF has addiction problems as well so I can relate...WEED is not a physically addictive drug is been proven over and over again...if he wanted to stop he can smoke his last bowl and not be sick...he hasn't stop cause he likes it and it makes him feel good...and what's the deal w porn? is it an addiction or does he enjoy it ocassionally? there's nothing wrong w enjoying porn here and there...you'd be surprised how many people do

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I know I shouldn't worry, I don't think I worry but i am intrigued... what is he up to? Why so happy and alert? i'm pretty sure he's taking something, but also to be honest my ego is pretty bruised from all the crap that happened, and now he's not even a little bit sad? come on! LOL, i know it's really dumb but I can't help it, I am moving on, but I can't help wondering...

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