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Black college boy seeking help.


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Date: 09-22-03 19:47






There is this Big guy.


Tall, big yet nice and gentle and shy. Still a virgin at 18.

He is new to the big city. He is a nice guy and logically, is not good with the ladies.


Let's say a loser has a kid up against the wall. Big guy comes to the rescue.

The kid is named Tom and is very gay. Tom goes around telling "his community"

about his savior.


Before long, people are looking at Big Guy differently. He is a hero to some and

a traitor to others. The Big Guy is straight....totally.


Yet his friends look at him differently.


He just wants to get through school and maybe meet a nice girl and be happy. He

did not mean to step in the middle of an invisible war....


He just wants his peace of mind.



What should he do ?

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<i have to say i'm enjoying this>


the virgin should


1. integrate his personalities.

2. join a writing class

3. find non-fictional heroic feats to accomplish.

3. hook up with tom.


so, y'know, so premise A, the identifying characteristic, is solved once and for all.


xox j

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Big Guy's peace of mind is always available to him, he just has to choose it for himself whenever he pleases, no one can take that away from him, except himself.


As for his friends viewing him differently.... well, I guess they aren't really that close to him after all..... if they really knew him, their opinion/attitude wouldn't turn on a coin based on some incident. Big Guy can choose to take it as an opportunity to know who his real friends are :)

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Did i mention the Big Guy is straight ?



See, thats the problem with ppl.


You aint against them, they assume ur one of them. No normal straight man can afford to be open-minded.


A sad, sad world.


Oh, and the heroic feats are real.

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"Big Guy," you are driving me crazy!!!

You remind me of me when I was younger.

You should read a book on psychology so that you can understand and cope with others a little better.

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Big Guy is in psychology.



He has gone to a shrink. This is a story unto itself. The shrink liked him.


Most guys have a fantasy of banging a hot doc. Big Guy aka wolverine is no exception. Said shrink was female. First name Karen. She was pretty, 41, happily married for 7 years and a devoted mother of 3.


She was also innocently, hopelessly queer.





Big Guy had to go.



He knows people. He loves porn. ALL PORN. He hates religious fundamentalists. He loves women. He loves diversity. He is smart. A gifted cook, skilled fighter and has a lot of creativity.

He is true to himself. He is a pervert. He is a liar. He is insecure around women.

He fears going to prison. He loves MTV. He doesnt clean his room. He gets crushes on girls too often.

He proudly tells of his porn watching habits (Lesbian, bi, trans, black, asian, indian, strap ons, bbw, incest, animals, bdsm, fetish).


You can always count o him to be honest.



The only thing he really hates is the nasty guy who hunts others yet ends up beloved of the ladies.

Oh, and he can find more pity and sympathy in his heart for a serial killer than a casual rapist.

He would gladly help a stranger- but his paranoid hyper senses make him cautious.


He is the best and the brightes mind wherever he goes.


He knows the nature of the universe and mankind's possible fate and God's design. Yet he cannot claim to know women. Therefore he focuses on them.


He is not a "PLAYER."


He is not who doubts. if he is WITH SOMEONE, HE IS WITH THEM 100 %.



this is who wolverine is. this IS WHO THE BIG GUY IS.






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sweet babies,


i am having fun with you; i am teasing you gently so as to let you know you need not take yourself so seriously - you can be loved in the first person as well as the third.


it's an interesting idea to script your life thusly. it must be like you have a constant voice-over in your head.


let me be clear - should you write about yourself, directly and being as honest as you can, i will reply to that with a great deal more sincerity. for now, i'm talking to what appears to be your narrative voice, and it's almost impossible not to tease a bit, as it's a bit how one might imagine the wizard of oz might talk before he is shown to be a sad little man.


xox j

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No normal straight man can afford to be open-minded.

Conformity is a religion to a lot of these people.


He loves porn.

It is okay when done in moderation.


He hates religious fundamentalists.

I think they are just misguided. The truly righteous do not and should not have political power. I think the nature of evil includes controlling others.


He doesnt clean his room.

I still don’t.


He fears going to prison.

I think most of the homosexual sex over there involves heterosexual guys.


The only thing he really hates is the nasty guy who hunts others yet ends up beloved of the ladies.

I don’t think the ladies are as innocent as you make them out to be.


Yet he cannot claim to know women. Therefore he focuses on them.

Psychologically, I think women are just like men except they have stronger emotions, and they are sometimes moody. Physically, I’m sure you know the rest.


Oh, and he can find more pity and sympathy in his heart for a serial killer than a casual rapist.

They don’t deserve your pity or sympathy. It takes an incredibly arrogant person to commit either crime.



The social structure inside and outside of highschool doesn’t seem very different. There will always be an IN crowd and an OUT crowd. You will always find people who judge you based on your appearance alone. Good or bad, there will always be cliques. Sometimes I wonder if high school ever ended.


At least in college, you will be around more people like yourself.

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I am a college guy. 6'2. 240 pounds. black. virgin. heterosexual.


I tell nobody about my special status. Sometimes men and women alike are drawn

to me. I like only the women. I dont know how to get them. I am smart and sensitive and still manage to come off as the strange, off-beat guy who is cool on tv but not in real life.


This is funny that im shy with women because my past includes streetfighting,

cooking, crossdressing, burning a guy who hassled me and seducing several young

ladies in my bedroom and

never doing anything cause of bad timing. I seem to have fallen into the nice

guy pattern and want to break from it.


I attract people.


As a youngster, a lesbian had a platonic love for me. My own very straight

seeming male cousin came on to me. My girl cousins came onto me too.


I have yet to experience the love of a good woman and would like tips on how to

get it.


I have decided to make a change this year. I am 18 and for the past years of my life my best friend has been a guy. My best friend Carl and Josh are guys but they are seniors in high school whereas i am a freshman in college.


My new best friend is Jina, a funny asian girl. She is a nice gal who likes to show me around and she is the only girl i feel comfortable talking to. There is a hottie named

Celeste but i have decided to let things cool. Keep my head clear and just study.


I am friends with Nadine, an arabic married woman who is only a couple of years older than me.


I get looked at by women when walking and even approached but i dont know what to do. I dont let it show and just talk and am polite and since i think faster than a regular person i can always think of something nice tot say but understand that it doesnt come natural.



I don't know what to do. I am nice and young and healthy and single. I am funny and can make most people laugh. The only requirement is that they have to be alive and english-speaking....oh, and not British.


I am there at school. Talking to girls. Chilling at BK and the library with my friends

Jina, Frank and John. Jina and i talk a lot but i am hesitant to ask for more.


I just don't want to screw up a friendship.


Also, back in June 2003, my friend Indira and I revealed our feelings to each other. We had been friends for years. Through thick and thin. I was always chasing the "obviouss" girls. My last one was Jessica, a very funny and stunning ebony goddess who was as queer as a goat.


Her folks dont know.


I wish Indira and i had become more than friends but we never explored our feelings....merely admitted them. Now she goes to college and i go to another ,

one in Boston.


I do not want to miss out. I think great friends can become lovers. OK, i know it is not likely to work out but i just dont want to miss out. I open my mind this time around. I still check out the big booty latinas (personal preference) but i am looking for someone deeper. I am not at all shallow and want a smart and funny gal.


Most dudes want a hottie and i am not really truly an exception but you try talking to a goddess with great looks but no humor, no fun and nothing at all besides being a copy of the Mighty Aphrodite.



This is me.


A regular guy in college.









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Wolverine, I say this with utmost care, concern, and sincerest emotion:


For a "normal" guy, you certainly have a LOT of time on your hands.


Perhaps seeking professional assistance for sleep disorders may be what you need.


Or perhaps speaking with one of your no doubt highly perceptive and concerned college advisors about a direction in which to channel your energy would be a better use for it.


What help you are seeking here is not help which you can receive here, as is evidenced in responses you have been given to previous posts.


My simple analysis, based upon reading every single one of your posts, is that you're insanely bored and have decided that because you have spent much of your time people watching and living your life in the box we shall refer to as the "Nice yet perverted 18 year old virgin guy who happens to be going to college now instead of feeling fearful of college because it's a new experience for someone who's so used to living in his own head, and therefore god forbid he actually step a foot outside his comfort zone," you have decided that you're somehow superior.


You're not.


Get over yourself.


Get out of your head. Get off your ass. Get talking to a counselor. And that is all I have to say to that.

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I am a straight guy who has discovered he can get off virtually anything. Yet

he's still a virgin.


I have seen sex in many ways (lesbian, interacial, black, asian, bdsm, fetish,

animalss, anal, bisexual, shemales, strap ons, fat sex).


I find it all very exciting. Now, i would never @!#$ a dude or anything of the

sort but it really doesn't bother me or shock me anymore.


I find sex exciting and enjoyable. I like women and only them and i dont feel

threatened by other sexualities and on occasion i don't mind watching.



But i seem to be the only guy with such an attitude, am i weird or something ?

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There is no normal when it comes to sex. Whatever floats your boat. Anything goes if it doesn't harm others and if it'e between one or more consenting, competent adults. You sound just fine. Don't worry about yourself. And if you want to stay a virgin for a while, that's just fine too. You're A-OK!!!


Is there a reason that you speak of the virgin aspect of yourself in the third person, as if HE was outside of YOU???

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Cyber Traveler



I am a somewhat normal hetero guy in college. 18, single.

Still a ****ing virgin.


I have always loved girls but been kind of the shy, nice guy type. Needless to

say, i don't get any. I have become fascinated by sex and the sex lives people

lead. It's all a very big turn on for me.


On the net i have seen all kinds of sex (lesbian, anal, strap ons, animals,

incest, fat girls, male and female bisexuality, beastiality, shemales and hot


Now, i get excvited to some degree watching all that but in my life i love the

girls and really would like to meet a nice one. I'd be completely faithful to

the woman i love.


My attitude toward sex is different from other guys. I like chicks, but dont

mind watching something else once in a great while. I am not scared of gay guys

nor would i ever **** a guy.


"To each his/her own, " is the motto i live by.

Human sexuality fascinates me. I am well read, educated and open-minded yet no

woman has ever loved me though i have loved many girls. I have yet to embrace

anyone. My life is a lonely one and i am beginning to despair.


What is wrong with me ? Is there a way out of my situation ? Why am i the only

guy who thinks like this ?

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I don't think anything is wrong with you... Why would you?


Just because you haven't jumped on every possible encounter or taken advantage of willing compatriots?


Ok, you're a nice, quiet, reserved guy that might like a little hotter woman instead of a nice, quiet, reserved girl. But the hotties are too busy giving bj's to the football team... <I'm expounding, sorry... it's a rainy day>


You know... they say the quiet ones are animals in the bedrooms. Go where you are wanted... Get to know someone who wants to know you. Smile and look them in the eye. Ask them for coffee, that's cheaper and if you have nothing to talk about, coffee can be quick. But don't despair, I think the opposite of your nature would be the hopeless one.

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hello! cyber traveler, i just installed a program that can help assess problems based on repeated predictable syntax. before i answer your post about loneliness, there are a few things i *must* know, just fill in the form, it's standard.


1. what color are you?____________

2. how old are you? _______

3. are you a virgin?___________

4. what orientation are you? _____________

5. do you consider yourself normal? ____________


6. what kind of porn do you like? make sure to name *all* categories.



7. What grandiose thoughts do you have about yourself?



8. What *insert* girls, or lack thereof, are troubling you this evening?



ok. give me a few seconds here...<pause> hmmm, mmm, rustle, rustle.


according to my results: you are an Unsuccessful Narcissist!


please contact your local counselor immediately and resubmit information.

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Unsuccessful Narcissist. Nah. He is bored to tears, and he has nothing better to do.


If you can’t handle the boredom, get a job, or if you already have one, work longer hours.

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Thats a question that puzzles me.


This is all the truth. I love women but dislike their focus on artificial

things. Most of my friends are male, yet the female friends leave a lasting mark

on me.



I have been in love with several girls...yet none have ever returned my

affections. I don't hate gays but hate pretenders (girls who do it because

it's s a cool trend). I fight for my rights when i have to but i'm usually



I would gladly die for the woman i love...but i doubt i can be loved. I seem to

be a bad guy( six foot three by 240 pounds) yet most of the time im a teddy

bear. I like soccer and write stories and poems.


I love Anne RIce and FRed SAberhagen (two authors). I idolize Hercules the

Mythic hero.


I am black yet hate rap, hip hop and R&B.


I Come off as a nice guy and everyone tells me to toughen up...but i might turn

out to be a very evil man. So i keep up the nice guy thing.


I am fascinated by sex (Lesbian, anal, bisexual, bondage, bdsm, bbw, strap ons,

fetish, fat girls, asian, black, indian, incest, beastiality) and find them all

to be highly erotic.


I am heterosexual yet for some weird reason i find it hard to hate gays. I dont

hate people and give them the benefit of the doubt.


Is that so wrong ?


I am still a virgin at the age of 18. I am an A student at a private school on

an academic scholarship. I've never had a real girlfriend.


I look up to Eminem.




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Since you've signed up as a member under Wolverine117, how about sticking with that name? The same problem posted under different names is getting to be tiresome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just have question and comment first you said you dont lie but you are honest?

Second I have a major problem with the animal thing major!

leave the animals alone.

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To Irule,


I dont do animals. I saw it on the web, though. It's not something i like. I just mentioned it because it is there.

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