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College Freshman frustrated to no end


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Hey all,

I am 17, male, with essentially no experience with girls at all, due to a combination of shyness and bad luck. I just started college for the first time this week, and have made friends with most of the people in my dorm hall. I've been looking at college as a fresh start, a chance to improve my love life.

Well, to my delight, I've already found a girl who I seem to connect with easily. She's in my hall, and we've hung out a lot, just in a friendly way. We share common interests, and the same sense of humor. She hasn't exactly shown me any signs that she would be into me, but she hasn't shown me any signs that she isn't, either. She might just want to be friends, but I at least want to find out for sure.

A few people in my hall have already hooked up, which only adds to this sense of urgency I feel to hook up with someone. This girl seems like the right one. Problem is, I don't know how to make a move on her. I can't just ask her out; this isn't really an ask her out situation. I mean, we live right near each other! I can't seem to get her alone; we hang out a lot, but not just the two of us. Even if we were to get some time alone, I don't know if I could just move in on her; like I said, I'm shy. There doesn't seem to be a way I can easily or casually try to take it from friendly to sexual. Can you help me?

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There's a lot in between friendly and sexual and no we can't help you. You're the one who's got to do all the work. If so many others are hooking up in your dorm, the process doesn't seem rocket science. So why don't you try the following recipe:


1. Find her alone for ten seconds as ask her if she'd like to go get a Coke or something with you....or take a walk to explore campus....or go to an upcoming campus function (read your campus paper...there are lots of things happening).


2. Do this several times. Once you have taken her out a few times and kissed her goodnight, then you can go off to a corner of the area and get more involved.


3. (Optional) Once you have kissed more heavily and rubbed her back and thighs closely, the two of you can break into the college president's office...shut the door behind you....make sure the campus police are still eating donuts at the coffe shop...and make passionate love on the president's desk. Take a Polaroid of the two of you there and send it to the campus newspaper.


4. If you skip #3, one thing will lead to another and you can find a nice spot to explore each other more sexually, like under a big tree late at night or at the Days Inn. I wouldn't do it at the dorms unless you have lots of privacy there.


Frankly, I think there some downsides to pursuing somebody you live so close to, particularly in the case that it doesn't work out so well. But don't let that stop you...go for it. But shyness will get you NOWHERE!

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