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Young, Decisive & Seeking Happiness....


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I met a guy who I am falling for kinda fast...

Though I'm tgrying not to show it...

I have the stresses of school, job, and relationship...

I am only 22yrs old..I know I have the rest of my life to find that special someone..but I would like to be in a committed relationship....

I often times find myself trying not to get too close because guys can be heartbreakers....

I am exhausted and I don't want to date a bunch of people to find the so called "right" opne..Ya know...

I really need some sleep right now...

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Date as serious as you like, but be selective in who you marry.


There is a saying:


Marry the right person, this determines 90% of life's happiness or misery. **I believe that.**

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Marriage is a huge step and I wou;d definitely think 2ice before jumping the broom with some guy that I just met..

I guess my best bet would be to take it at a nice pace...

I am dealing with school and balancing a relatioship..

I am anticipating my graduation date..So that I can move out pf my parents home and gain my independence...


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I think sometimes people are so concerned with finding "the one", that they don't really let it happen naturally. You are still young and you have plenty of time. Just enjoy meeting people and take this time to learn what kinds of personality traits you like in a man, and then don't settle for any less than your idea of perfect. Marriage is a huge step and you need to make sure you have the best match for you.

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