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Ideas for places to get engaged?

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When you proposed to (or were proposed to), what type of setting did it occur? I'm struggling trying to think of the proper place and time to do it. I kind of want to avoid doing it on the cliche days like Valentine's, Christmas, etc.



Thanks for your input, I am getting very excited, but very nervous at the same time.

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When you proposed to (or were proposed to), what type of setting did it occur? I'm struggling trying to think of the proper place and time to do it. I kind of want to avoid doing it on the cliche days like Valentine's, Christmas, etc.



Thanks for your input, I am getting very excited, but very nervous at the same time.


Judging by your other thread, do you think you two are in a position to get engaged? Sex is a problem for you two, is getting married going to solve it?

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a romantic (and preferrably revolving) restaurant on top of a very tall & expensive hotel near downtown seems to work :)


that setting puts teh girls in teh mood for almost anything :lmao:

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I read your other thread and can tell you that not having the same sexual "expectations" is a deal breaker. When you go to your favorite restaurant and they stop serving your fav dish, do you keep going there? NO - you go to somewhere that will. I've been living the very nightmare you're referring to, only my wife (then g/f) would say "whatever" when I suggested we tried different things and that she was a "good girl" and didn't want to do freaky things (you know, REALLY freaky, like have sex in a room besides the bedroom)...WOOOOO I'm pretty well convinced that this is why people have affairs, and there's no sense in setting yourself up for that/a quick road to divorce.


As to proposing....DON'T DO IT! (at least until these issues are resolved or you've exhausted all options to do so). I'm dealing with living proof (look at my recent post) that it is a fool's errand to think anything is going to fix sexual compatibility. Either passion is there or it isn't...simple as that. And without passion, there's no point in continuing. My wife lead me down the road of "it'll get better once we live together", then "it'll get better once we're engaged", then "it'll get better once we're married" and I swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. And my friends told me I was an idiot, but I said, "you're all crazy, I'm smart - I'll prove you all wrong" and you know what...I WAS DEAD WRONG...the simple fact is a leopard can't change their (in this case, HER) spots...


I'm not saying sex is everything, but if you're already finding things that you're conflicted about because you find yourself wanting more (and she's not willing to compromise) then it's got bad juju written all over it.

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sex issues or no satisfactionis a red flag...sex is a very important part of a relationship its bonding is intimacy and is connection on another level...work on those issues first...hold on on proposing...a piece of paper isn't going to fix it nor aould a ring

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Judging by your other thread, do you think you two are in a position to get engaged? Sex is a problem for you two, is getting married going to solve it?

It hasn't become such an issue that it is a potential deal breaker. It is something that mildly upsets me, but there are so many pluses to the relationship that greatly outweigh this one thing. I have spent a great deal of time thinking this over, praying about it, seeking advice, that I feel like I have made an informed decision and am ready to spend my life with her.


And it's not like we are not intimate. We are very intimate and have sex regularly, it just doesn't do as much for me as it used to. We still wouldn't get married for another year and a half. From the get-go, I have been determined that I will not get married until I am done with school.

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Have you ever gone geocaching? My son and his bride did that alot. Sometimes went camping and geocaching too. They found one in the water (You find these locations on the internet and then use a gps to track them) and before she could get to it, he put the ring in there with a note asking her to marry him. It was pretty exciting. Totally unexpected. (http://www.geocache.com to get started.)

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