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the big question

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There is this guy from work who I really like. I think he likes me but I don't know if he is genuinely flirting or just being nice. The other weekend we went out for coffee and this week we went to the cinema. They were kinda like dates but nothing happened except a lot of flirting. I would have maybe tried to kiss him when we went to the cinema but unfortunately somebody from work was there and spotted us and joked we were on a date.

Anyway, i'm really confused and I think it would be so much easier if I just asked him if he likes me more than just a friend. so I just wanna know if people think this is a good idea or will this just jeopardise our friendship?

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but nothing happened except a lot of flirting


This usually means you like each other, he wouldn't flirt back if he didn't like you that way. Just kiss him for heavens sake, if you really have misread the signals whats the worst that can happen, just laugh it off.

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yeap...just kiss him...and it sounds like informal dates but I think he does like you...go on another "date" if you like him that much...

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