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Interested in somebody I'm acting with


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Hello everybody... funny situation I'm in at the moment.


I'm in an amateaur theatre production. My character is the lover of one of the female characters. Rehearsals just started.


Anyway, I'm potentially interested in the girl whose lover I play. We've had two rehearsals together, her and me and half a dozen others. I think she has a bit of past acting experience, though not huge amounts.


I can generally tell if there's chemistry between me and a woman I'm on a date with; that's never been a problem. In this case, however, I'm trying to figure out if there's actual chemistry between us, or if it's all just acting.


The first rehearsal involved us doing a walk-through, scripts in hand, taking stage directions. I deliver one of my lines. Suddenly, in response to that line, she spontaneously hugs me. The hug made total sense in the context of the scene, but it was a total surprise to me and unexpected. (Not that I was complaining.) We've done a couple of other scenes, and she's very good at the whole looking-deep-into-the-eyes thing.


I've had very little opportunity to talk to her during the few rehearsals or afterwards. After the first rehearsal where she hugged me, she left very quickly.


Physically she's totally my type, and seems cool and fun. There's a bit of an age difference (I'm 36, she's about 27).


Just wanted people's thoughts on good ways to explore this a tad further. Obviously I'm going to be trying to talk to her more. But I'm wondering -- especially from people who've been in situations like this before, how much of it is "acting" and how much could be real "chemistry" on a personal level?


Thanks everybody! :cool:

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It all kind of boils down to the same thing. I'm not sure how long it is until the play ends, but i don't think its going to be long enough to develop a friendship/relationship. So, if you want much of anything between you and her, the time to start is now. Talking to her is going to have to be something that you do. Your going to have to be the one that initiates the conversation almost every time.


It might also be in your best interest to find out if she has a bf through someone else. Go from there. Good Luck :)

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