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LDR will start next Thursday :(

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...and I'm really, really, scared.


The girl I love is going home to Malaysia and I am stuck in London (UK). I'll see her in the Summer, but that just seems so far away and I can't get to grips with the fact that I wont be able to hold her hand or fall asleep with her or meet her for lunch...I'm in pieces :(


I just needed a place to vent and I'm glad I came across this site.

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I can only imagine what you must be feeling right now. It must be very difficult being with someone you love so dearly and then having to be so far apart from them. It is extremely hard for me at times to be away from the only man I love, but unlike your situation, we have never met in person so I can only imagine how much harder it must be for you. Just keep telling yourself the Summer will be here before you know it, and try to keep in contact with her as much as possible! Oh and come here and vent as much as you need to!! All of us here are going through similar situations and everyone here seems really nice and helpful. I'm still new here but have been helped so much so far! Just think of this as something that will make your relationship even stronger and bring you two closer together! Hang in there and I wish you all the best!!! :)

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thanks for the encouragement! I know in the grand scheme of things, the summertime is close, but right now, it feels like a forever.


I hope things work out for you, when it's all said and done, love can overcome anything....cheesy? kinda, but I believe it to be true.

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True love CAN overcome anything. Yes cheesy and TRUE!;)


It won't be as difficult as long as you make sure to keep in communication.


My LDR started like yours - in person. And we had warning so we got some things in place just to keep the worrying at bay.


We both know each others work schedules and so we had a rule that if the other called the phone had to be answered - or a return phone call immediately.


We agreed we had to make each other a priority no matter what and that we would be completely open books to each other. There are no stupid questions - and every question gets an immediate straight answer.


It just helps to keep the insecurities at a manageable level.


I am glad you get to see her this summer. That isn't so long. And I hope the two of you are together permanently soon.

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True love CAN overcome anything. Yes cheesy and TRUE!;)


It won't be as difficult as long as you make sure to keep in communication.


My LDR started like yours - in person. And we had warning so we got some things in place just to keep the worrying at bay.


We both know each others work schedules and so we had a rule that if the other called the phone had to be answered - or a return phone call immediately.


We agreed we had to make each other a priority no matter what and that we would be completely open books to each other. There are no stupid questions - and every question gets an immediate straight answer.


It just helps to keep the insecurities at a manageable level.


I am glad you get to see her this summer. That isn't so long. And I hope the two of you are together permanently soon.


Good stuff, Island girl. Take a pic of the flower behind the ear and send it to him! I know that would boost his morale :)

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Island Girl, thats really awesome advice, setting out some rules is a great idea.




Relationships can be difficult but these have certainly helped us stay together and absolutely committed. We are in our 7th year of this crap.


I just try to remember that old saying that anything worth having takes some effort.

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Dropped her off at the airport today. Lots of tears, still sinkng in that it's actually real and she has gone, just counting the days down until I can hop on a plane and see her now. See you soon my love!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Island girl you rock! Just reading that made me feel better about my LDR


and eurasian, it'll be ok! I feel your pain, right now I'm in the states and my fiance just arrived in korea this morning and I won't be able to see her till end of june. but it'll be ok! Summer will come by in a instant

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It's been just over a week, we've been talking on the phone and the internet and texting daily. Hurts so much to be so far from her.


we've got pretty much the same timescale there audiophile, hope everything works out well for you and I hope the time between now and summer comes quickly for both of us!

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Can I just tell you that I feel for you. I understand exactly how you feel. My boyfriend of 5 years will be leaving in a few months for medical school and I am dreading the start of this LDR. I know I don't really have any advice b/c I will be brand new to this LDR thing, but maybe it helps to know that you're not alone? I hope so. Hang in there. If she's worth it...stay strong and try to tough it out.

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