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My "buddy" vs my "ex"

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My bf refers to his ex gf as a 'buddy' just like he would one of his guy friends.


I know it's his ex. I've never met her, but I know her name, and it's very unique. They dated for 3 years, had been broken up for several years before we started dating. Bf was totally upfront, told me that this girl was still in his life and was a major player in his life as she helped him through a lot of rough times and they were friends since elementary school. He asked me again when we got more commited if I was okay with him still being friends with the ex. I told him as long as he's honest, she knows that we're together now and their friendship remains plutonic, that I'm fine with it.


Lately, I kind of feel like he's being a bit shady. He showed me his facebook friends one day, and when her picture came up, he said, "I barely talk to this chick"... like he was trying to pass over her without raising flags. I found it a bit odd being how important she was to him at the beginning of our relationship. Should I be concerned that he's trying to downplay her role in his life now? I've never had a problem with their friendship, so why the secrecy, or is this normal?


Another thing to note is that they live far from eachother, so all their communication is phone/email.

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