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Friend DRAMA!

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I'll try to make this short. There is a girl FRIEND of mine that I have always liked. This is a different girl than the one I have discussed here before. Anyway, I screwed up... although I don't think it was that big of a deal. In the distant past, we both expressed that we like eachother, but the time was never right for a relationship. I am one who believes that this is a cop-out, so I wrote it off. We've recently begun hanging out a lot together. There is and always has been huge sexual tension between us, but we have always respected the boundaries of our relationship.


Well, last night we had dinner together with a large group of mutual friends. I cooked. Everyone enjoyed the dinner, and we all had a bit too much wine. We then all went out.


As the night progressed, she and I became more touchy-feely with eachother. I did my own thing and she did hers. It was just a good night out with friends. This is where I screwed up... I basically told her that I want to get in her pants. It was a pretty crude comment. I even told her that I needed to be honest that one of the reasons I do nice things for her was because I ultimately wanted to have sex with her. I said it JOKINGLY!! But to be honest, deep down, it is partially how I feel. I thought she would laugh it off. But boy was I wrong. She got PISSED and didn't talk to me for the rest of the night, although we all left right after. The cab ride home was silent. I didn't apologize at the time, and I left without even saying goodbye. We all had too much to drink, and you'd think that there would be some understanding because of this.


I apologized today, but she is still pissed off and didn't accept my apology. But part of me thinks that it needed to be said. I am not one to go along quietly sexually frustrated. I said what I felt at the time, and it backfired.


I know it seems that I made a big mistake, but do you really think it was that big of a deal? Am I off base here? Isn't it good to just let your intentions known?

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The Collector

Similar thing just happened with my ex. A friend from work made it clear he had romantic feelings for her. It has ruined their friendship. Some women (or men) wouldn't mind, or even enjoy it. For others it destroys trust and they can't ever be comfortable with that person again.

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Yeah I agree. I figured she would laugh it off, but she is really over reacting in my opinion. In a way it is good to see this now rather than later. Thanks for the reply.

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