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what does one do when a guy is upset?

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i must apologize if i'm posting under the wrong section, but i wasn't sure where this belongs...


what is the best thing that a girl can do when her guy friend is upset at her and walks off?


i tried walking after him and he wouldn't stop to talk to me. and so i left...should i call him? go see him? wait a few days? what do guys think of and do when they are upset?

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Your post is very vague, what is he upset about? In order to propose suggestions, we would need additional details, or at least I would, love to help, but without knowing more, it's anyone's guess what to do next.

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It really depends on what he is upset about. Chances are, he will likely tell his best friends about it so you should ask them and see what you can do to fix it. Majority of the guys should not really hold a grudge on someone for a long time though, but that still depends on what you did. It really is better if you clarify the problem.

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