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"Will someone please guide me to resolve me and my girlfriends issue?"

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My girlfriend of 6 months has just recently "split" from me, she is still very much in love with me and i to am in love with her.


She has been hanging out with other guys, and putting their football #'s on her stomach.


She says that she doesn't know what she wants right now, she hasn't done anything with anyone else as in kissing or sexual contact.


What can i do to help her to see that she shouldn't run from love?

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Honestly, it just seems like what she wants right now is attention. Sometimes, girls go through insecure patches where we seek male attention to make us feel desirable in order to boost our self esteem. She needs to make a decision, rather than dragging your feelings through the mud. If she is not ready to settle down, then she needs to let you know so that you may move on. Don't wait for someone who isn't prioritizing you. I understand you love her, but be sure she that she loves you the same.

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If she were truly in love with you and respected you, she would not be doing this. Count this as a heartbreak and move on. You'll get over her sooner than you think.

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she's writing football #'s on her stomach?

what the heck is that?

that statement probably means you two are in high school, right?


in high school, 6 months is a long relationship.

but you two are obviously very young.

although you are mature, she is not.


please don't waste your affection on a girl who makes you feel like crap

and flaunts other guys in your face. (even if she says "nothing" is going on)


have fun and date lots of people.

go to college and date lots more people.

then when you get to the real world, find someone who will appreciate you

for the great person you are.


just remember, you're not going to marry this girl. so why bother wasting your

time trying to convince her she's "running from love".


you can never convince someone of why they should be with you.

they either want to, or they don't.


i think her message to you is loud and clear. (despite what she's saying to you)

move on, she already has.

just remember, it's her loss.

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