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should i go out wit my girl m8 so soon?

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hey jus need some help wit my life.


umm....i jus broke wit my ex a bout a wk ago and i wana forget i ever happened.also,i realy like one of my girl m8s and we establised tht she liked me 2.we jus went 4 a drink and 2 walk round town jus 2 hang out.it was kinda awkward bt nice.thing is i have no idea how 2 t change from being her friend 2 someone she likes romatically.i realy do like her and fancy her(no way am i jus desparate for a gf)and i realy wana go out wit her.

should i wait a while 2 get over my last relationship or jus go bk in a relationship?

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You don't seem so upset about your recent break up. If that's the case, I don't see a problem with you dating others. You don't need to get into something serious so soon. Why don't you give yourself a break and an opportunity to find somebody you really click with?

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yea i realy like this girl.bt i kinda left out tht i been in an LD relationship which was my first relationship.so i dont have any idea how 2 jus go out wit someone local.this is the first time someone has liked me locally and she is a m8 as wel.was things suppose 2 be awkward since we were friends b4 i found out i liked her and she liked me?

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If you went for a drink and a walk "wit" her it sounds like you have already started dating. Next time why not try holding her hand. If she seems surprised or startled just tell her that you have been thinking about her romantically and ASK her if she would be interested in dating. If she hesitates tell her that she doesn't have to make up her mind right away and that whatever her answer it does not mean that you two can't continue to be friends.

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I agree with TOny and Hokey. Just talk to her and let her know that you like her and are interested in a relationship beyond friends. Just see how she reacts, but don't come on too strong. You don't have anything to lose.

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hey thx for da help.


umm....the main thing tht i dnt no is wen i should ask her out.i mean like i jus told her on wed tht i like her and we have only seen each other for a drink in a cafe and jus 2 hang out.is it 2 early to make the move rite now?

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