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I am doing fine and it was very kind of you to ask.


Someone posted a message that my advice was too strong and caustic...and downright wrong at times. Though I don't feel advice is right or wrong...just suggestions to be evaluated...I did fall victim to my internal crooked scorekeeper. I have had dozens of posts from people happy with what I had to say but I took this negative post to heart. I guess I needed a little break and there are some excellent people here, like Nicky and Totally Confused, who are always so very right on.


My advice is not meant to make people feel good or bad. It is meant to be as honest as possible to help people deal with what difficulties they are going through at the time.


Unfortunately, a great percentage of the posts are from people going through overwhelming pain over break-ups. To my surprise, the majority of those are from MEN rather than women. Usually the men are at fault for abusing their ladies, taking them for granted, not giving the relationship the kind of attention it needed, being disrespectful, etc. They actually admit to this stuff.


Usually by the time a lady breaks up with a guy, she is pretty well over him. Sometimes the men think the break-up has just occurred when in fact in took place in the lady's heart long before. But so few want to hear the rancid truth. They just want to feel better and have someone tell them how to get back together. The answer is always the same. Women are repulsed by a grovelling, lovesick pup who tries to get them back by kissing their butt after they caused the break up in the first place, usually. But the guys go back on their knees anyway...and screw things up worse.


Sorry to ramble on...but I hope some people will read this stuff and learn. I have NEVER had a woman tell me she was lured back into a relationship by a weak-minded, depressed, ex.


I will post here again from time to time and I really do appreciate you asking about me. But I hope everyone knows when they see "Tony" they will get my own personal opinion and advice based on my years on the planet and not just garbage to give false hope to people who really need to learn and move on.


Again, thanks so much and have a great day!!!

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I claim responsibility for the request (check the ISP if you like).


Glad you are back.


You may hear from me as I go through the up and downs.



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Evidentally, I missed your request. Below is the post I was referring to. Anyway, I think these pages are for receiving as much diverse advice as possible to help each person make his own decisions. Thanks:




Posted by Teresa on Thursday, 13 April 2000, at 1:44 p.m., in response to Re: Need help in getting her back, posted by Tony on Thursday, 13 April 2000, at 7:09 a.m.


Tony I have been reading a lot of your posts on here. It seems to me that you dont really help anyone. you just yell at them and dont give them advice. This man was asking for help, he obviously loves this girl very much and wants her back, and you belittled and made fun of him. I am quite sure in your life, you are not perfect. This is not the first time I have seen you post such rude comments. If this is how you give advice, leave these boards alone. You are not helping anyone!

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