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Not sure how to take this

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So....I am a junior in college. Last semester I met this guy named Chris through a mutual friend. My friend, Julia is dating one of his roommates Andrew. I would occasionally go over to their house for parties and what not. Chris ended up stringing me along in this friends with benefits relationship until I told him at the end of the semester that I didnt want to really be friends with him anymore. He ended up saying "I like you, I just dont want to be in a relationship with you..we dont get along, but still would like to friends..if u want to" blah blah. never said nething back to that.


So, while Chris was "talking" to me last semester, his other roommate Davis would occasionally IM me over FB. I got sick last semester, so he would IM me asking if I was ok, etc. When the guys would all come over to our apt he and I would goof off and talk. Just thought I was being friendly, plus my roommate liked him so i wanted to stay away He ended up not being into her. So once I went home for winter break, I noticed Davis was starting to IM me a lot more often. Once he IMed me 3 days in a row. We would talk about random things. Got back to school and Julia told me one night that Andrew and the boys were having a party. I really didnt feel like going. I ended up going anyways. Davis was there and we just hung out and talked. I just thought I was being friendly. We both got drunk & we ended up making out. The next morning he told me that he was into me. Now, Davis doesNOT do this often. His friends all say that when he gets interested in someone it means something. He never brings home girls or nething. I didnt want to hook up with him, It was something that just happened.


The day after he IMed me again and said last night was fun and wonder how it happened. I told him that it shouldnt happen again, that I am not getting into friends with benefits and I dont want a relationship. He said "well, I like you, but I dont know what I want right now" I told him "well neither do I" sooo...the next day he asked if I wanted to get lunch, I told him I would go. we met on campus and our conversation flowed really really well. The next day, I e-mailed him and told him we shouldnt talk or hang b/c I didnt want my roommate to get mad at me for us hanging out. He was like "thats straight, dont want to cause problems btwn u too" next day, he IMs me again. I was like "davis, we cant talk" sooo the week goes by and Friday rolls around and He texts me at night saying that he likes me and that its no BS, and that he is afraid of the consequences with my roommate(since she liked him and all) By this pt I just "****, the whole no talking thing, he just keeps IMing me"


So the next day he IMed me again and said that he was sorry for blowing up my phone that night and that he wanted to know if I would like to go to dinner, but understood if i couldnt because of my roommate. I told him that I would like to go, but wanted to talk to my roommate first. I told him I would let him know. that night he IMs me again. It was at 130 in the morning so he was a little drunk. Week goes on and he IMs me Tuesday. We just have a random conversation. then Thursday he IMs me again at 10am. That suprised me, who IMs someone at 10? He said he was in class. During our conversation he invited me to his faternity bid party. I went there with my friends. I saw Chris( they are in the same frat)I didnt talk to chris. Davis was around me probably 80% of the time. Sometimes I would go off with friends or talk to other guys and what not. Once I left the party, he Texted me and said he wanted me to come back and that he was sorry if he acted shy. In my head I was thinking "uh ok"

So next day rolls around and I now IMed him. he asked if i had fun at the party and told him I did. The conversation was short bc he was going grocery shopping.

So this past weekend he went home, so he wasnt here. Didnt talk to him at all during the weekend.

So yesterday, I texted him saying "Remember how I said I would let you know when I talked to my roommate aout dinner? well I talked to her and we can still go if you want to. its up to you" He said that we could still go.

So last night he IMed me again and said "so ive been thinking and I think going out to dinner would be a bad idea right now....I am really inconsistant with what I wnat right now. I go back and forth btwn wanting a relationship and not wanting one. I had a gf most of HS. I dont like to hook up, i just like to do my own thing. I see all my friends with their bfs and they do nothing and it looks boring. I reallly really like you, no bs, just I dont want to string you along, and hurt you" I just kinda got in shock, b.c I was really confused as to why he kept IMing me, and why he would tell me he liked me, or why he would apologize for being shy. I just kinda went along with it. He is a nice guy, and I like him. I told him that it was totally fine, and that I told him i would get back to him about goin to dinner, and so I did. I told him to just do his own thing and that no one is stopping him.


WITH that said.....Chris IMs me at the sammmme time. I havent talked to him since Novemeber. He knew Davis and I hooked up, but told Davis he didnt care. Chris was at the bid party, but I didnt talk to him. I dont know if this is a coincedience or if he feels "threatened"


now, I dont know how I should take Davis or Chris right now. Any thoughts? or Ideas?

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