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I'm not sure what to do..I like a girl but I don't know if she likes me

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Hi, I like this girl in school a lot but im not sure if she likes me.. I see her a lot and I notice some other guys might be interested in her, but im not sure. Should I ask her out ASAP or what? She might be interested in the other guys so I was thinking if I asked her out I could maybe win her over before they do. So what do you think?

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You never know until you try! If you really like her, all you can do is ask her out. If she says no...hey, at least you tried. And it's better than never knowing and watching her go out with someone else, right? So just ask her - what have you got to lose??? ;)

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Hi, I like this girl in school a lot but im not sure if she likes me..

Only one way to find out honey! Ask her out! Girls (a) like being asked out and (b) Expect it!


I see her a lot and I notice some other guys might be interested in her, but im not sure.

And even if that where true, that ‘other guys’ are interested, who cares? How does this affect you in any way. This is common, lots of people are interested in lots of different other people, that’s what keeps life interesting, but if you don’t get in there and go for what you want you will not get anywhere.


Should I ask her out ASAP or what?

ASAP??? Ask her out at the moment you feel comfortable.. I am not saying next year but work up to it and DO IT.


She might be interested in the other guys so I was thinking if I asked her out I could maybe win her over before they do. So what do you think?
MMM, ask her out so that you can WIN HER OVER… honey, the game of love is about getting to know someone. Sometimes someone that can seem ugly or disinteresting getting to know them, over time can become beautiful and interesting and some one who is sexy, appealing and funny over time can become boring and unattractive, so its all about just getting to know someone. You don’t ask them out to win them over you ask them out to get to know them, remember she needs to ‘win’ you over just as much as you need to ‘win’ her over if you want to use that term… SO I bid you good luck my friend…!!!


Stay cool and go do as nature intended! Go ask this girlie out!



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  • 1 year later...

Hi, ok this girl i've liked for over 3 months now, and it all started when she took my phone and put her number in it, so i called and now when we talk we talk a long time, but the thing i have a question about is idk if she likes me or not, cuase everytime i try to set something up that we could hang out togather with she either has something going on or she is working, she works eavenings at her job and she plays volleyball so she has a busy schedule, but idk what to think cuase sometimes will talk a lot in one week, then the next week i wont hear from her and if we do talk it's only short conversations. i asked her one time if there was anything between us or if we were just going to stay friends and she told me that she kinda liked other guys but she liked me to, so she asked for time to htink and i've given her about 1 month or so to think about it. we dont see each other much cuase of our busy schedules but i wish something would happen, she is 3 yr's younger then me she is in h.s i'm in college. Please give me your input and write what you think i should do please i really like this girl........

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

hi, i like this girl an i see her every day almost at school and we sometimes talk but just small talk in the lunch line and stuff like that. i want to ask her out but she allways gets aroundwith her huge group of friends and i never see her by herself what should i do

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