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coworker/friend question

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Alright so I've known this girl from my work for almost a year. Also we go to the same college. Well anyway I've recently started having feelings for her. She rarely contacts me, but if i start by call/text we go on for hours. Anyway we flirt and joke at work or atleast thats what I'm feeling and even more so at school. We've also went for lunch together and hung out at a few of our friends parties. Although resently at work she want speak to me after i comment about her nickname which is jelly bean. Anyway I would call her like butter bean or comment about something she dislikes and she says I'm mean and she want speak to me for the rest of the night. Well she does well at that, but when i tell her to talk to me she gives me a smile and gives me those eyes if you know what i mean. So when we close she gives me a pretty long hug and says good night. So think she likes me or just wants friends? Also don't just tell me that work relationships are no good. I should be heading to a Uni at the end of this semester, so won't really matter much. I'm thinking about asking her out, but want to know what others think and always thanks.

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You know that hole under your nose....?

It's used for eating and breathing....?

It also does something else quite extraordinarily....


It - "TALKS" - !!


Try Communicating with her and asking her what she thinks!


I still find it extraordinary that some folk come onto this forum to ask the most inane, pointless questions!


Please - if you're going to Uni at the end of the year, I would surmise that you have more than a grain of intelligence or intellect....


Put it into practice and good use, huh?

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Yeah i was hoping to edit what I put before someone commented. I was thinking about what I wrote, but what I wrote didn't really mean anything lol. So yeah your absolutely right this was pointless sorry. I don't know guess it was late.

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and she want speak to me for the rest of the night. ...but when i tell her to talk to me she gives me a smile and gives me those eyes

So, she's using "silent treatment" to get you to "beg" for her to talk to you? And then she's "rewarding" your begging with *that* smile and *those* eyes?

Also known as: passive-aggressive behaviour designed to manipulate (from you) the reaction that SHE wants. Bad news, anyway you look at it.


That you've already given in to her means you can continue to expect her to treat you like that...until you stop letting her manipulate you. Which, if you do want to try dating her with intention of getting into a relationship, ensure that it is a mutually respectful, functional relationship right from the start.


It's more time to tell her what YOU think, and how YOU want and expect to be treated. Finding out if she has any interest in treating you properly, may be your wisest 'first step'.

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