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Straight guy meets nice bi-femme


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This is the story.


You : You are a shy college freshman. And a dude.You are here on scholarship

and you were basically a geek in high school who got away with his geekiness by

playing volleyball.


Her : She is a beautiful indian-Russian babe. Three years older than you. Your

smarty pants got you in the same class as her.


Together : you talk and she becomes your friend. You hang around the city. Eat

together. She shows you her world.


Her world : she is an artist, a karate expert and a proud bisexual. She was

married to a guy for 7 months then dumped his sorry ass.


You : she amazes you. You are falling for her. she is cool, awesome and funny.


Her : she asks you about your relationship status since you know of hers. You

tell her of the bitch who dumped you. She holds your hand. You brighten up.


You : impulsively hug her. she returns the hug.


Together : chatting in class and having fun. she has no b/f or g/f at the



Your buddies : Congratulating you for being with such a hottie. You dont have

the guts to tell them she's not yours.


You : you wish she was yours.


Her : she is fiercely independent and outspoken. she curses a lot but seems to

have a soft spot for you.


Together : you are in her apartment. You are watching "Some Kind of Wonderful"

on tv. You ask her what she thought of the movie. she said the guy was a jerk

for not seeing the gal loved him.


You : you tell her you think she is special and her exes are losers for letting

her go. she smiles and thankss you.


Together : you return to classs.


You : you know you will never meet a woman like her and are desperately trying

to ask her out and become more than a friend but fear rejection which will break

your sad little heart.


Her : she tells you she is interested in a black girl you know.


You : you say oh. You say you will hook her up but your face betrays your



Her : she was just kidding about the black girl thing. But now she knows you

like her.


You : don't know what to do. Nobody gives 18-year old confused virgin boys a

handbook about life and women.


Help !

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