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Ok, here it is:


I cherish the friendship I am about to tell you about. This man is wonderful in every way.


Our friendship has entered into a whole new realm. We spend time together and have a blast, we email daily. We don't smother each other, meaning, we see each other a couple times a week because we're both so busy. Recently, we kissed, ok, no big deal, but it was a sensational kiss. We both enjoyed it. Since then, we've had sensational intercourse. It's not the kind of intercourse you have with someone where you know it's just that. It wasn't lacking emotion and tenderness. It wasn't lacking feeling and genuine meaning. This encounter, we amazing. When we concluded, we snuggled and kissed and he was all smiles. It was true and honest. I can't convey through words how amazing it was. It was not rough or meaningless.


I have been trying to be relaxed. I care for him, yes. However, I want things to progress naturally. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely like to try a hand in a relationship with him, I think it would be wonderful, eventually. I don't want to mention anything along these lines though, so I've been lax.


So, one day we're talking and I don't remember how it came up, but we discuss going to a swingers party. To the point: we're going.


I don't plan on participating in any activities. I know it will make him happy to go. I am afraid I may be jealous, but on the other hand, as much as I'm attempting to suppress my feelings for him, I see this as an opportunity to have those feelings diminish. Seeing him with someone else, should he choose to, will most certainly turn me away.


I don't know how to take it all. We spend time together, email, talk, have an amazing time when we're together regardless of what we're doing. I don't know how to take it all. There are so many levels to our friendship, I don't have any idea what direction it's going in. He's amazing and openly makes me feel wonderful and like I'm walking on air. He's so passionate and his words are so heartfelt towards me.


I'm so confused. Thoughts?

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If you have these reservations about going, then why are you? From your own words, you have no intention of participating (which does kind of negate the point in going), so why did you agree to this? I'm not asking facetiously; I just don't understand why you're torturing yourself like this.


Yes, he may want to go, but when you're just getting a relationship going, I don't think this is the time to be opening a door as big as a swinger party. If you two were together for years and were confident in your relation, then it would be a possibility. But not until then, in my opinion.


You obviously like this guy, so why not make an official move on him? Tell him how you feel! From the sounds of things, the feeling is mutual. I can't see him spending all this time with you and inviting you to a swinger's party if he thought of you as 'just a friend'.


That's just my 2¢.

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If you have these reservations about going, then why are you? From your own words, you have no intention of participating (which does kind of negate the point in going), so why did you agree to this? I'm not asking facetiously; I just don't understand why you're torturing yourself like this.


Yes, he may want to go, but when you're just getting a relationship going, I don't think this is the time to be opening a door as big as a swinger party. If you two were together for years and were confident in your relation, then it would be a possibility. But not until then, in my opinion.


You obviously like this guy, so why not make an official move on him? Tell him how you feel! From the sounds of things, the feeling is mutual. I can't see him spending all this time with you and inviting you to a swinger's party if he thought of you as 'just a friend'.


That's just my 2¢.


You asked some very good questions:


Why am I going?: I'm not opposed to going at all. I'm very open and don't mind going beyond the daily realm. Although I may not participate, I can still maintain a good time. I'm not worried about my level of participation. As far as he's concerned, he can do what he likes. Fact is, we're not dating; and regardless, this type of event, both parties need to be open minded. I have to admit, I'm interested to take a peek into this whole world. It seems intense!


As for telling him how I feel: I can't. I don't know how he feels, what he thinks. In my eyes it's risky. I would rather let things go on the course they're to go on. I would like to think he has feelings for me, but I cannot be certain. That's the worst part.

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