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Tired of being the nice guy

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Seriously, every woman I talk to says they want the nice guy. Well I am, and none of them seem to want me, except the bat ***** crazy ones, or the ones I am not attracted to in any way, shape or form. (I'm not a jerk, I just need to be physically attracted to whomever I may be interested in starting a relationship with.) I am really freaking tired of it. You all are gonna tell me to wait, and the right one will show up. You know what, I'm tired fo wating. By the way, I'm not just looking for a piece of a**. I want a true, genuine relationship. I miss that feeling of having someone that you just want to be with all the time, and they feel the same. I've tried the online thing, I've tried the bars, I've tried just randomly out in public. I come on strong, I hold off, nothing ever freaking works for me. I'm freaking sick of it. My female friends always tell me I should have no problem finding someone, I'm a good looking guy, I have a great personality, and all the other bull***** that goes along with it, well, they are wrong.

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Sorry dude I took the same advice several years back, they don't want the nice guy.


Women want it all. The nice guy, charming fellow, adventurous dude, with a hint of cockiness, and most of all the guy that knows how to make her laugh, feel safe, sad, happy, surprised, annoyed, nervous, anxiety, gitty, jolly. Women want to feel the emotional roller coaster. And most importantly a guy with a life of his own/interests outside the relationship.


I'm just talking about personality here. Looks and finances are a whole other department.:lmao:

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If your women friends are telling you that you're a "nice guy" that means you give off little to no sexual/flirtatious vibe around women. So they don't start out thinking of you in THAT way, just in a friendly way.


You gotta learn how to flirt and make a woman feel sexy and beautiful and charming.

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the real question is how do you even have attractive women friends? I mean if your this ready for a relationship you should have flirted and tried so hard with these friends of yours that they either started dating you or had to say goodbye. Nice guy is really vague I mean if you asked Chris Brown if he considered himself a nice guy it wouldn't be suprising if he said yes. First off your attitude is bad, I realize your venting but I hope your done because your venting is part of the problem. Think of it like an adventure seriously you'd have better luck with women if you went after them pepe la peu style

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