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Friendzoned - Should I wait around?

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An ex and I got together for drinks, hooked up. I asked if he wanted to try dating again, he said he'd just gotten out of a relationship after a series of rebounds and didn't want to date anyone right now, but that he would like to be friends, hangout and drink.


I said okay, but no FWB. We've hung out once since then. I still feel the same. If he asks me out for drinks, I'll go, but won't initiate soon.


Did I get friendzoned..or does he really not feel like dating anyone?

I don't know whether or not the friends only thing is a good idea, if it will lead to something when he is ready. Should I keep hanging out with him?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Do you have nothing better to do than wait around for him to maybe decide he wants to?


Why did you break up? Have any of those problems been resolved, changed?


If you have feelings for him, it's a bad idea to be friends. What will you do when he hooks up with other women even if he's not dating anyone in particular? Listen to his hook-up stories?

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