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inside that counts

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Hey ok this is so serious. I am in a situation i dont know what to do. A month ago i started to go out with this kid named ryan. We went out off and on 4 times. Well he was a total jerk off to me. He lied and never called me. So we broke up. And I knew this quote for a long time not it doesnt matter whats on the outside its inside that counts. Well let me finish my story. Well we broke up. And I guess im a fool for love cuz i still liked him and wanted him back til i started talkin to his cousin Brad. Well I neva met brad but we started talkin on the phone. He is the most sweetest guy. he makes me laugh and everything. Well we still neva met but he asked me out and I said yea. Well yesterday he sent a pic of himself. Im not trying to be mean but he looks exactly like harry potter. Hes not that attractive but he makes me laugh. And I knew alot of good lookin guys who treated me like crap. he isnt like that I had experience with him cuzin to kno hot guys are jerks. Well my question is looks can be decieving what should I do? Stay with him or dump him. But hes so sweet i dont wanna hurt him i just donno help me plzzz

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My opinion is that you should stay with him, at least for a little while... my boyfriend was a sexy stud back when he was a senior in high school, but now he is losing his hair and I don't care if he is bald next spring, he's my pookie-butt :love: and I'll be with him until forever or until we get sick of each other. Just try it out and you never know, maybe things will be great. :p

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and I'll be with him until forever or until we get sick of each other.




But I do agree with Hoopsy's original idea...Maybe you'll come to realize that this Brad fellow is a right sexy lad, and you'll be feeling darn lucky, because your guy treats you well and makes you happy. Give it a chance. Could well be the boyfriend you've been dreaming of after all! ;)

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Pictures are wierd. They don't always depict people well. You need to see the 3D individual. Cameras don't love some of us!. Meet him in person, spend some time with him. In my experience, sweet, fun people get better-looking to you when you start seeing them with your heart as well as your eyes.

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Go for it and give him a chance! It IS what is on the inside that counts. Looks are only skin-deep (which is why so many good looking people act like asses -- they know they can act that way because the opposite sex will flock to them for their looks).

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Well, there is something to be said about the way a person looks. Most of the time, for me anyways, it's what "attracts" me to certain people. However, if I happen to get to know someone then sometimes the physical aspect doesn't come into play. It sounds like you and Brad have gotten to know each other so you may want to give him a chance.

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