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Ok, so my wife has gotten into yoga the past few months...she really enjoys it.


I'm glad she is into something she likes, however, she is now wanting me to try it. I have once and just can't get into it...but she says only once doesn't cut it. :laugh:


I have once...and I'm sure it takes time, and wont happen over night...but I don't get alot of enjoyment out of it......but the thing is, I would like to. I would like to learn more about that kind of stuff.


She also does meditation...and I have tried that maybe twice...I find that a little harder than the yoga actually. My mind wanders I guess. So if there are people here that are into yoga/meditation that can offer any advice or suggestions, that would be great....


Are there many men that is into this as well? I feel kind of akward even though we are doing this in our own home.

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Well, your self-consciousness may have something to do with the fact that you might not think it's very 'manly'.


Most Yogic masters are men, and the yoga you're practising is unisex. It's not about men, or women, it's about practice.


"Yoga" means "Union" - and it's about unifying your physical well-being, to your mental (and possibly Spiritual) well-being. But the last bit is up to you.

You take it as far as you want to, it's your choice.


I'm a teacher of an oriental passive Martial Art, the movements and positions of which, are very meditative.


Meditation is about recognising what your Mind is doing, and bringing it under your control.

The fact you've recognised how active your mind actually is, is a very good and positive step.


It's ok for your mind to wander and to think.

That's what it's designed for.

There is no good or bad, winning or losing.

It's just you against you, OK? So there's no competition in meditation.


Focus on what your breath is doing, or focus on a mantra.

Now, I'm not suggesting this should be a spiritual or religious word.

It could simply be the word 'focus'.....

I've used that to good effect.


Every time I notice my mind wandering off, I breathe in deeply, and as I breathe out, I merely 'think' the word "Focus".


It brings me back to my centre.


Just watch your thoughts, but don't 'latch' on to them.

Don't start a dialogue in your mind.

Just notice the thought, let it go by, and bring yourself back to focus.


You only need to do 5 minutes at a time, or less, if you prefer.

Work up to a comfortable time for yourself....

It's not quantity.

It's quality.


Anything else I could try to contribute for you? :)

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I do think its about me seeing it as self conscience and it not being manly......not that everything I do has to be...I do know there are some men who practice yoga and meditation....I think I was looking for, or hoping for me to enjoy it or do it right the first time, and I shouldn't expect that.


I know that it will come with practice. I'm sure its a learned art form, and the breathing and focusing will come with time.

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Give it a few sessions, but really, if you don't enjoy it, then quit.

You'll never reap the benefits if you're not enjoying what you're doing.

However, consider doing Tai Chi or Qi Gong.... look for alternatives.


Or maybe inaction really isn't something you can do... some people can't do "slow" stuff, and need some other form of outlet.

I always tell my students:

"Qi Gong is good for everyone. But not everyone is good for Qi gong."


Shop around if it's something you need to get in to. But don't stick with it, if you simply can't stand it.

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yup. Sting and his wife are really big into yoga, and I think I've read that Spiderman is, too (can't think of the actor's name, but he's a young one), so guys are practitioners as well as gals.

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I personally think Yoga is misunderstood, and some in the West get into it more for the mystique than anything else. I'm not convinced it's the best approach if you primarily want to get in better all around shape and improve your flexibility.


There is a reason martial artists and Olympic athletes rarely rely on Yoga as the primary way to increase flexibility... it simply isn't as effective as other means (PNF stretching is what most athletes do). Also, many yoga practitioners in the East have stretched their ligaments and tendons to a point where their athleticism (strength and power) have been compromised. Let's just say they won't be winning the 200m at the next World Track and Field event.


It's also not particularly effective for developing cardiovascular fitness (that new Hot Yoga, or whatever it is they call it, is better I hear). Nor it is great at developing strength or power, though many of the poses are held, which amounts to a fairly descent isometric routine. Power and strength are best if developed over the full range of motion, however.


You may find a better approach is to simply do something like crossfit training combined with PNF stretching and mindfulness meditation.


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yup. Sting and his wife are really big into yoga, and I think I've read that Spiderman is, too (can't think of the actor's name, but he's a young one), so guys are practitioners as well as gals.


I think you mean Tobey Maguire.....


Sting really took the flak sometime ago when he let it slip that he and Trudy practised tantric sex. He kinda wished he'd never blabbed about it.

Later, on a chat show, he admitted it was a dumb thing to 'say out loud'... and he revealed that he'd convinced Trudy to invest in Tantric shopping instead....

You go through the motions but don't actually end up buying anything....:p:laugh:

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She also does meditation...and I have tried that maybe twice...I find that a little harder than the yoga actually. My mind wanders I guess. So if there are people here that are into yoga/meditation that can offer any advice or suggestions, that would be great....

Hey JJ, I've done yoga for years now but can't get into the meditation portion. Ridiculous little ditties, comical sounds and images run through my head while trying, so I've given up on it. I think it's about my personal maturity level. :laugh:


Regardless, yoga is wonderful, at least from my perspective as a woman. As people get older, their bodies lose flexibility. Why let that happen? Once flexibility is lost, you're also more likely to be injury prone and lose some quality of life. Don't let it happen. :)

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I think I'll give it more time...I gave up to quickly for one thing.


I have always been amazed at people's flexabilty and the ways they can bend their bodies...although thats not what it is I'm looking for...I do think that is pretty wild looking...and I'm sure those that can do all of that, do more than just yoga to get like that.


I'm just looking to at least try some thing that I haven't really tried before....If after time goes by, its working for me, fine, if not, that's ok too. At least I'll know I gave it a shot.

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i used to do it and want to get into it again. i'm sure it would

help with my back issues. It took a while for me to get into

it in the beginning, because i was too impatient and it didn't

feel like it was doing anything. If your mind wanders, might be

better for you to try it, since, if you do it right, it really

helps you relax and stay flexible.

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