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First time liking someone

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Hi guys, I dunno where to post this so this might be a repost.


Rite now im in a weird situation. I dont know what i should do and i definitely need some advice. Im currently in my last yr of high school


I knew this girl since gr 9. We go to the same language class every Saturday (credit course). We sit together (starting last year) and we both go to different day school. We became friends after and we talk a lot of things. But then i dont talk to her outside of class becuz my cell phone plan is pay as you go. I have limited mins to use. After class, I usually walk with her to the next street and her parents would pick her up.


A few classmates know that i like her ( i dont know how they noticed this) and they hinted her in a joking way, and saying that i like her or something (i'm not really sure about the details cuz i was absent for 2 weeks lol).


2008 summer, i lost contact with her becuz she doesnt use msn very often, i have limited mins on my cell and i had a summer job. Near the end of summer, i finally talked to her on msn. I asked her about the summer and she said she was busy with family things, her aunt was in the hospital and she had to visit her all the time.


In october, i invited her to my b-day party, even tho i know she doesnt know any of my friends. I was thinking that she is goin to say no becuz of that. But she said yes and she did come in the end (she was the last person to come to my house that day). in December, I asked her if she will go to prom/formal with me and she said yes.:) She also said that we could hang out sometime during the Christmas break, if shes not going to the states during the break.


Before the christmas break, i called her a few times(finally a new plan XD). One day, i called her and she told me shes going to the states during the holiday. I told her that i was going to ask her if she wanted to go to downtown with me for new year countdown.


I sent her a few txt msg before she left, telling her to have fun and watch out for the snow storm. For christmas and new year, i sent her 2 msgs, but no replies. I thought its normal becuz shes out of the country. When classes resume after the break, she told me that she didnt go to the states cuz of the snowstorm. The plane was delayed twice and 1/2 of the holiday was done, so she didnt bother going. Here is what i dont get, why didnt she reply or call me during the holiday? I knew she has exams after the holidays. Is it possible that shes busy studying?


What should i do? Continue or not? Do i have a chance? (I asked her out twice to movies. The first time she have two tests after the weekend so she had study. The 2nd time, I told her that i wanted to watch this movie, but none of my friends wanted to watch and she was like " my friend is in the same situation, she wants to watch that movie but none of her friends want to", and she told me to watch with her friend, when i dont even know whos her friend)


Valentines day is coming. Do u guys think i should ask her out once more? Any suggestions for activities? ( i was thinking of the auto show/ a movie). Should i give her a rose that day, if she can make to the date?

PS. I am sorry that i made a really long post. This is the first time that i like someone and i dont know what to do. I appreciate ur effort for reading it as well as helping me out. Thank you!!:D

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