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desperatly seeking some cover for my fiance'

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Am i wrong but the question i have is that is it normal that my man loves to be in a pair of my g- string panties whenever my gal pals are visiting over at my house??

i dunno but to me its a little disrespectful of him to do because i belive that being the fact that he is my man he should respect me and cover his body while were having company. does any other women have the same problem??


He doesnt parade around naked in front of his macho buddies when they come over, only my girlfriends.


please help


desperatly seeking some cover up

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should i be concerned that my friends to me seem more intrested in my man than in me when they pay us a visit to our house?? it seems to me that my girlfriends rarely have conversation for me yet with so much as a "hey hows it goin" there soaring thru my house to my own bed room where we spend the majority of OUR time when most others usually entertain in there living rooms, not there bed rooms, the bedroom is supposed to be somewhere private am i wrong??


So whats the deal, why are they so intrested with my fiance'?? Is it me?? Am i weird?


wacky with my friends....

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Probably because he's parading around half-naked. Put your foot down and tell them to get out of your bedroom and stay out. If they don't respect your wishes, drop them. All. Fiance included.

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You are going to marry this guy? Your friends don't object to him doing this? It sounds like you are hanging with one wierd bunch of people. Tell him you will not stand for him doing this one more time. If all else fails, hide all your underwear someplace where he can't possibly find it. While you're at it, you could tell his friends what he wears when the girls are around.


If he doesn't respect your wishes, dump him. He sounds like bigtime trouble. People who care about each other respect each other's wishes and behave like decent humans. He is doing neither. This can't be the only disrespectful thing he does?

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no your right this isnt the only disrespectiful thing that hes done but no ones perfect especially in relationships, and at first my panties were a sexual fantasy and thats fine to fantasize about wearing womens sexy underwear, to me its ok it doesnt bother me, its when he finds it exciting to wear them with my girlfriends in the next room if not in our own room. i just think he should get dressed when they come over...

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i know this one all to well. I'm divorceing and one of the reasons was people who wernt married walking round in underwear in my house. Namely some stupid girl who once was a friend, and my ex husband. It pissed me off to no end, and it made me worry about them 2 cheating, to the point of out right rage at there disrespectful behavior. Smack him. I'd lay him out. After what i went though, no one, NO ONE should ever have to go through the torture heart ache and pain i went through. I'd rather be a p.o.w. Yes i would.


Also, when i vist my friend, her hubby has a tendancy to wonder round in his boxers. I always make my best discusted face and go, could you not wonder round in underwear when i'm over. He argues there shorts, till i argue "are you wearing underwear under them. then they are the underwear." My friend laughs and says she can't stop him, but he gets dirty looks and discusted chides from me.


2 reasons.


1) after what i went through, i know this is a bad thing he's doing, he shouldn't disrespect her or me like that.




2) i want her to fully understand i'm against it, that i'm her friend, I stay away from my friends men.


Think this over, i think it's time you had some words with him.

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He sounds like a big time loser to me!!!! He enjoys showing off his body to your female friends, what next? Is he going to think it's okay to have sex with them in front of you aswell???

Dump him and tell your "friends" that if they want to visit you, visit YOU not the local freak show.

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It seems to me he just has voyer ishues. This to me doesn't mean leave him, it means address his problems and get him to work on them. If he became an alcohalic would you leave him? I wouldn't think so, after all the getting married means no matter what the problem. Running isn't the solution. If he became an alcoholic you'd simple work with him through his problem. Well he's got a problem, you nead to work through it. Relationships are a two way street, he has to see that he is hurting you, upsetting you, and that it must stop.


If you were doing this to him, and you were unaware of it, wouldn't you like the fighting chance of it being addressed? Tell him that's it. Your putting your foot down, no more pantie problems. I also like the idea of doing a bit of blackmail, (telling his budies what he does) it's simply a threat, last resort sort of thing.


Are you close with his mom? Ask her, her opinions. Perhaps he's always had this problem. Putting on undies and peradeing around in front of the company when he was 6. ^_^ Or maybe just the oposite and now he's makeing up for lost time. What ever the case be stern, this must stop now. And for good. If you love him, and he loves you, then talking out your problems is the most responsible thing you two can do for your relationship. There are diffrent people out in this world and none of them will ever be a "perfect" match. This doesn't mean you have to change who you are, or try to change him. it just means you must decide what's right and what's wrong. In this instance, i belive you are in the write, now go address it.


Vixen :bunny:

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i respectfully disagree.


there are some serious boundary issues here that might suggest a fundamental incompatibility between the two of you. there is simply no reason you need this stress in your life - love alone will not overcome huge differences such as whether or not it is acceptable to flirt so much with your so-called friends. i would also recommend leaving him if he was an alcoholic as well, however, as i think some problems are just not your responsibility.


i'm not sure how old you are, but he should know better by age 16, approximately, within this culture. you deserve better. think of the thousands of guys out there who are neither trashy nor obtuse.


this, however, above all: your friends have got to go. what on earth could you be getting out of friendship with these people?


best, j

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  • 2 weeks later...

I need advice my fiance loves to wear my underwear and sit around the house in them even when my girlfriends are over, he thinks its exciting to be like that and take a chance of them seeing him!!! some already have and some almost have, I expressed to him that it makes me feel unconfortable that he does this but he says that since i wear V-neck shirts and during the summer i would lay in the sun in my bikinni, whats the difference?? well to me the diffrence is that my areas are covered and his are bulging out everywhere!! and cause my underwear are G-string his ass shows too!! My friends havent showed tremendous attraction over catching a glimps of this, they've been alittle botherd but the ones who have known him for years tend to expect it and pay no attention but there are one or two of my friends who seem to take a liking to him this way, I always ask him to cover up and most of the time he does unless one happens to comeover unexpectedly or perhaps when im not home??? what or how should i handle this, to me i feel that my privace is being exposed because i thought when you are in a relationship no one else should see you naked or almost naked but the other person unless other wise negotiated.

please help me to understand this fettesh he has with only my friends cause he wouldnt be caught dead by one of his male friends this way!!....



cover or not to cover

Reno, NV

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thanks to all for the well read advice im almost 28 (in January) hes 39 and yes he loves this exhibiting problem eventhough it bothers me no matter how many times i ask him "so and so is here hurry up and cover yourself" he does it reluctantly but eventually throws on a robe unless or visitor is one of his buddies can you believe all this?!!!

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