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I'd like to say something.....

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Hmmm....I found this website because my LD boyfriend of over a year had suddenly stopped calling me. We live so far away from each other that there was no way for me to find out what was wrong, or going on with him.


Finally, my friend called his number and he picked up; he didn't answer the phone those other times when I called, seeking him out to ask him why he had just decided to "silently" break-up with me. He did not want to talk to me.


Needless to say, I was really hurt, but mostly confused because I thought that he was a better person than that. He had been hurt twice in previous relationships, and he told me that he would never hurt me. He was also my first boyfriend/relationship. After I realize that our "love" wasn't meant to be, I cried away my bitterness, took a deep breath and told myself that I would move on. But......


I was very depressed and felt that my whole world had just caved in. I was so mad. I I felt like my family was not helping; they were giving me such hard times at home, and they rubbed it in my face that they KNEW my relationship wouldn't work out. Everyone told me that I would get over it....but no one understood the emotions that were raging inside of me, lurking quietly, waiting for me to let my guard down.


I felt like I was fighting with myself all the time. I didn't like myself. I come from a first generation oriental American family. So being the oldest of seven, and a girl, I'm put under a lot of pressure about family honor, family reputation, family customs/traditions, what was expected from me, education.....etc. Everything was stressing me out, I felt worthless and that I maybe wasn't meant to live this life.


But that's not the point that I'm trying to get at. I've been surfing this site for a while and I realize that some people have bigger problems than me. They make all my worries and complications smaller. I've learned so much because of this site by reading other people's threads. I've come to appreciate myself a little more for being who I am.


Thank you.



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If I may be so bold as to speak for everyone...


We're glad to have you along, Princess. :)


I wholeheartedly agree with you that this place is a blessing to have.

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Thanks to Paul (sponsors and other invisible parties) for making it all possible. Paul’s vision has not only helped passers by with serious and heart breaking stories but has also created a family community for those less fortunate not to have one. For those who are only here to give advice and to share points of view, it is also a great place of growth and learning.


Paul, I am sure you don’t fully know the extent of what you have created here and how amazing and huge this all is. Love Shack has become a very important part of many people lives. And I, or should I say, we, thank you!


Thanks Paul



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Paul plays a great part in this site but we can't forget former Vice President Al Gore, who invented the Internet!!! Paul's da man!!!

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I was watching an interview with Vinton Cerf, who himself actually said that Gore didn't say he invented it. I have now forgotten the details but Gore was actually instrumental in helping to further the development of it. I think he sponsored the legislation that would allow development to go forward. How 'bout that, eh?

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