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what did i say wrong

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my ex got back in touch after four months saying i thought we could be friends, she asked me to visit ect before we broke up we were like best friends, she also asked was i seeing anyone i replied the odd one no one serious kind of thing.



then she starts mentioning her new "friend" every now and again and hes fixing her car i reply " ah good stuff, that's handy" and she hasn't replied for a month it i really want to be friends with her i meant that message to convey im happy for her! did i say something wrong.


she dumped me ill add and before getting in contact she broadcasted over facebook ""£$% is chilling with her new friend.

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She dumped you, and then got back in touch with you?


Classic scenario.,

It always, but ALWAYS happens.


Listen up, because I really should have this text written up somewhere, so I can copy and paste it, I say it that often - really, I do!


The reason she contacted you was not to be friendly.

She contacted you to make herself feel better.

She wanted to know if she still figured in your life, if she was still important to you, and could still yank your chain.

She wanted to throw you breadcrumbs.

She contacted you for herself, not for you.


In response, this is what you do...


*sigh*....here we go....


You go 100% complete, total, unequivocal, unconditional, absolute

N-O ~ C-O-N-T-A-C-T.

You do not ever, ever again (read that once more, I'm serious)


Ring her,

write to her,

text her,

e-mail her,

phone her,

talk to her,

checK her facebook,

check her myspace.


You do not accept her calls, her texts, her e-mails, her phone messages, attempts to engage with you verbally, her comments on facebook, or what she's doing on myspace.


You cut her off at the knees and give her not a single opportunity to get to you again.



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my ex got back in touch after four months saying i thought we could be friends, she asked me to visit ect before we broke up we were like best friends, she also asked was i seeing anyone i replied the odd one no one serious kind of thing.



then she starts mentioning her new "friend" every now and again and hes fixing her car i reply " ah good stuff, that's handy" and she hasn't replied for a month it i really want to be friends with her i meant that message to convey im happy for her! did i say something wrong.


she dumped me ill add and before getting in contact she broadcasted over facebook ""£$% is chilling with her new friend.


Change your focus. Don't worry about what she's doing, focus on what you need to do and do it. :)


Good luck!

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