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Is this a good idea?


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This situation is really driving me crazy...


I have known this guy for about five years, we've been good friends for about 2 1/2 to three, and have started flirting last summer. He's a former college professor of mine (I've since graduated; he's not married and not sure about a relationship - I don't think so but who knows).


Anyway, long story short - he and I had been flirting a lot since last summer, with the big flirting coming when I came home for Christmas: we met for lunch, talked for over two hours, and were doing some serious eye gazing at each other. He later said next time I'm in town we can just meet at his house.


We live several states apart and can't see each other. I've emailed him a few times and called him a couple, leaving a voice message; just keeping in touch, letting him know what's going on in my end and asking how he's doing. He's been totally ignoring me since we last met - it's been over two months now which is extremely unusual for him. I don't know what to do; I'm so frustrated.


During these two months I have found out his age - he's 59; I'm 25. That makes my decision on our relationship easier. I admit I thought he was cute (he looks about 20 years younger) but the age difference is way too much and I know it would never work. I just want us to be good friends like we had been.


Here's my idea - I'm thinking of waiting until well into March (giving him space now), then sending an email putting everything on the table: explaining how hurt and confused I am of his silence and ignoring; telling him how much I miss talking to him, even more so since I'm so far away from home, family and friends; and - most importantly - telling him that I consider him a good friend and NOTHING MORE. What do you think about that? Do you think that's a good idea?


This is absolutely driving me crazy as I have no idea what happened. We got along so well, then that stupid meeting around Christmas happened. You don't realize how many times I wish I could go back in time before the meeting; I never would have flirted, then things would probably be the way they were. I'm thinking that he got caught up in the moment and was flirting, later he was kicking himself when he realized what he was doing, and now is trying to eliminate the "tension" by totally blowing me off.

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I wouldn't email him again. He hasn't replied back to any of your calls or emails for 2 months. He more than likely has a girlfriend that he never told you about..That or he isn't interested in keeping in touch anymore. He probably didn't have the balls to tell you to your face, so his silence is telling you it's time to let go and move on.


I answered on your other thread http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t178975/ as well.

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