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Roomate Issue.


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I am sharing at the moment, with four people. Three girls and a guy.


We have been friends for years and it hasn't been too bad. But sometimes it feels like my friend and her boyfriend are the Mum and Dad and my other friend and I are like the kids. Is it normal in share houses to live in that kind of sense?


It feels like I am also being mothered by my friend which kind of gets annoying with certain things she does. I am a year older then she is! I like that she cares, but I am an adult and can take care of myself too.


I am never there on weekdays cause I work full time, cook my own dinner, (the others share their food), do my own thing and still get treated the same way. :rolleyes:.


I love my friends but just want to break out of this being babied business. Any way to break out of the mold?

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"We teach people how to treat us".


If they do something or respond or act in a way that irks you - you have a tongue in your head.

Use it.

Object, politely, and tell them how you feel.


it's called "Effective Communication".


It works wonders, parrticualrly if done with people you have to live with.

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My Friend's sister and her bf live under the same roof with 3 other friends. She does the whole motherly thing also because she's used to taking care of people.


My suggestion is just to move out. I don't know why anyone would want to be roommates with friends in the first place, not always the best idea.

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