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Husband cheating on internet

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Has anyone been cheated on through the INTERNET?


After 15 years of marriage to a man i totally trusted, i found out about an affair he was having on the net. The words he was writing to her blew me away. Nothing sexual only very intense feelings for her. They are planning to meet in Florida in early Nov. I moved out of my house 3 weeks ago. I'm having a hard time dealing with this as I still love him very much. Any suggestions on how to handle this?

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I think you've handled it well, since you said you've moved out. If he can't be trusted, you've done the right thing. Unfortunately computers and cell phones give those who want to cheat, another avenue to do so. It's not unusual to still love the man, it's only been a short time since you found this out. The question is....is he still going through with the meeting? If so...there's your answer.

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Originally posted by Mindy

Has anyone been cheated on through the INTERNET?


After 15 years of marriage to a man i totally trusted, i found out about an affair he was having on the net. The words he was writing to her blew me away. Nothing sexual only very intense feelings for her. They are planning to meet in Florida in early Nov. I moved out of my house 3 weeks ago. I'm having a hard time dealing with this as I still love him very much. Any suggestions on how to handle this?

He is still going to Florida, which he says she is not going. I don't believe him. He is going there to a blues festival, she has a conference to attend. I'm sure they plan to meet. My next question is what kind of woman has a screen name of

blueeyes_lusciouslips? She sounds desparate and lonely to me. Husband claims she is happily married w/kids and doesn't want to divorce her husband. He claims this is a friendship only. But he told her many times how much he loves her.

After reading his words to her I still get sick to my stomach.

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what exactly did he write to her?

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I don't think a happily married woman would be using such a seductive screen name. And it sounds like much more than a friendship with all the "I love you's" that are being said.


It never ceases to amaze me how men can think we are so stupid. :mad: Is her husband aware of their "friendship?"

Why don't you ask to go to Fla. with him? :rolleyes: See what his answer is.

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Originally posted by LadyX

I don't think a happily married woman would be using such a seductive screen name. And it sounds like much more than a friendship with all the "I love you's" that are being said.


It never ceases to amaze me how men can think we are so stupid. :mad: Is her husband aware of their "friendship?"

Why don't you ask to go to Fla. with him? :rolleyes: See what his answer is.

I did ask him to take me to Florida and he told me no. He bought his ticket the other day, he continues to tell me my focus is in the wrong direction.

That she is not the reason we have split up. My marriage may not have been perfect but I didn't see a huge problem. I just hate the way he lied to me.

He's been lying since March when I found out about her.

I never thought he could lie like that. Wow was I wrong, guess I never really knew him like I thought. Thanks for replying.

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Well, I wish you all the best....my x always had that funny way of trying to shift the blame also. If there had been problems before, he should have sat down with you and discussed it, rather than start an on-line affair.

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Originally posted by Mindy

I did ask him to take me to Florida and he told me no. He bought his ticket the other day, he continues to tell me my focus is in the wrong direction.

That she is not the reason we have split up. My marriage may not have been perfect but I did't see a huge problem. I just hate the way he lied to me.

He's been lying since March when I found out about her.

I never thought he could lie like that. Wow was I wrong, guess I never really knew him like I thought. Thanks for replying.


Yea... he can sure shift the blame. He continues to do it. Like telling me I was mean to him and did't love him. The fact is I did love him very much. I just talked to him and we had a huge fight. The end of the call became much calmer but I still don't trust him. I went to a counseler today and that helped alot. She said he is manipulating me. How true! Why do I even still care about him? Makes me mad.

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Why did you move out? Do you have copies of all these emails and chats? It sounds to me you should have stayed in the home, let him leave, and then get yourself a good lawyer.

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